The video “CALL ME DUCHESS! Meghan FORCES Colombian Girl To CURTSY To Her, Ignoring Harry” has sparked widespread outrage on social media. In the video, Meghan Markle is seen curtsying to a young Colombian girl, who then proceeds to mock the gesture. This incident has led many to accuse Meghan of exploiting children for public relations purposes and of behaving in a hypocritical manner.

Royal expert Angela Levin has suggested that Meghan was teaching the young girl to curtsy to her because she is a princess. This claim is supported by the fact that the girl was clearly trying to learn how to curtsy and that Meghan did not appear to be discouraging her behavior. However, Levin’s interpretation of the situation has been criticized by some, who argue that it is unfair to assume that Meghan was intentionally trying to teach the girl a lesson about respect.

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Social media users have also been critical of Meghan’s behavior. One person tweeted that the situation was “part of the royal cosplay” and that Meghan was “ridiculous.” Another person declared that Meghan would “never be anyone ever curtsying for her” and that the young girl had shown her “more respect in her curtsy than Megan did when she mocked Queen Elizabeth.”

Meghan’s behavior in the video is in stark contrast to her previous comments about curtsying. In her and Harry’s 2022 Netflix documentary series, Meghan discussed her skepticism over curtsying and recalled a conversation that went down prior to her first meeting with Queen Elizabeth. During the conversation, Harry explained to Meghan that she would need to curtsy to the Queen, and Meghan responded by saying that she thought it was a joke. Meghan then demonstrated an exaggerated and dramatic curtsy with a laugh, though Harry did not appear to think her actions were comical.

The incident in Colombia has left many questioning Meghan’s motives and the authenticity of her public persona. While she may no longer be an official Royal, the expectation that she conducts herself with a certain level of dignity and respect remains strong among the public. The use of a child in what appears to be a staged PR moment has not only angered many but has also further damaged Meghan’s already fragile reputation.