Bridgerton season 3 saw Colin and Penelope finally admit their feelings and fall in love, and it took many amazing moments and scenes between the two of them to get there. Penelope Featherington (Nicola Coughlan) had been harboring feelings for Colin Bridgerton (Luke Newton) for many years, but he was unaware of this. Their friends-to-lovers romance arc was one for the ages, and the two of them proved their love many times over throughout season 3. However, there were inklings across every storyline that hinted the pair was meant to be.

Though Colin and Penelope might be happily married now, the moments that cemented their bond will also be exciting to revisit.

Matters were complicated this season, as they always are, by the fact that Colin didn’t understand his changing feelings towards Pen for a long time. The fact that Penelope has secretly been writing as Lady Whistledown since season 1 also added a complex layer of intrigue. While these issues put roadblocks in front of the couple, preventing their happily ever after, nothing could stop some of Bridgerton‘s steamiest scenes and explosive chemistry season 3 provided in spades. Though Colin and Penelope might be happily married now, the moments that cemented their bond will also be exciting to revisit.

Bridgerton Season 3 Part 2 Colin and PenelopeBridgerton season 3 part 2 adds complexity, depth and a wonderful pay-off to one of TV’s best romances.

10Colin Apologizes For Not Seeing The Truth About Marina

Early on in their relationship, Colin proves he’s capable of righting his wrongs.

Nicola Coughlan as Penelope and Luke Newton as Colin Dancing in Bridgerton Marina and Colin in Formal Wear on Bridgerton Colin and Penelope staring intensely at each other in Bridgerton Colin in Bridgerton season 1 Penelope in Bridgerton Season 1

The good scenes between Colin and Penelope are few and far between until season 3, as the first two seasons are full of unrequited longing and disappointment for Penelope. In season 1, this is made even more difficult when Colin falls in love with Marina Thompson (Ruby Barker), and Penelope worries she will lose him forever. It turns out that Marina is harboring a secret, and Penelope tries to warn Colin about Marina’s intentions. It takes Colin time to learn the truth, but when he does, he realizes that he’s wronged Pen.

While Colin is still unaware of Penelope’s feelings and sees her only as a friend, it’s a mark of his respect and care for her that he takes the time to mend their relationship.

While Colin is still unaware of Penelope’s feelings and sees her only as a friend, it’s a mark of his respect and care for her that he takes the time to mend their relationship. After this, she considers admitting her desires, but it’s then that Colin reveals he’s leaving for Europe and won’t be back for some time. This leads to their letter writing, which is instrumental in cementing their bond and displaying their compatibility.

9Colin Saves Penelope From The Hot Air Balloon

The exciting development that makes Colin the talk of the ton.

Colin Bridgerton (Luke Newton) chatting with his friends at the queen’s garden party in Bridgerton season 3 Part 1 Penelope Featherington (Nicola Coughlan) and Lord Alfred Debling (Sam Phillips) looking into each other's eyes in Bridgerton season 3 Part 1 Lord Debling, Penelope, Eloise, and Cressida congregating outside in Bridgerton
Penelope after the balloon scene in Bridgerton Colin pulling the balloon in Bridgerton

In the hot air balloon episode, Penelope makes it her business to overcome the gossip circulating about her and find a match in Lord Debling (Sam Phillips). She thanks Colin for all his help and goes off on her own to find Debling and show him that they’re a perfect pair. However, in Bridgerton, a big event like this could not go off without a hitch, and it happens that the balloon comes free and is heading straight for Penelope. Though Debling comes to her aid, it’s Colin who stops the balloon and catches everyone’s eye.

Colin and Penelope are separate in this scene, but his actions are only so heroic because he’s determined not to let any harm come to her. After that, the notoriety he receives only elevates the new popularity he’s enjoying, but Colin quickly finds that this doesn’t matter when compared to his thoughts of Penelope. This scene is pivotal because it shows Colin at his best, makes him aware of his budding feelings, and puts Penelope at the heart of his desire.

8Penelope & Colin’s Wedding

Though not without its strife, their wedding is a testament to the love they share.

Penelope (Nicola Coughlan) in her wedding gown walking towards the altar in Bridgerton season 3 episode 7 Colin Bridgerton (Luke Newton) at the altar, looking at Penelope in her wedding dress in Bridgerton season 3 episode 7 Penelope (Nicola Coughlan) and Colin Bridgerton (Luke Newton) wedding in Bridgerton season 3 episode 7 Penelope (Nicola Coughlan) and Colin Bridgerton (Luke Newton) share their first kiss as husband and wife in Bridgerton season 3 episode 7 Aerial shot of the ball celebrating Colin and Penelope's marriage in Bridgerton season 3 episode 7

It’s the perfect culmination of their story and easily brings a tear to the eye.

Surprisingly, there have been few big white weddings in Bridgerton, as many of them happen in a rush or behind the scenes. However, after everything they’ve been through to be together, Colin and Penelope have a beautiful public ceremony featuring Penelope in a gorgeous dress that leaves Colin and the attendees speechless. Prior to the wedding, Colin learns of Penelope’s identity as Whistledown, and it throws a wrench in their nuptials, but it doesn’t change the fact that Colin loves her.

Colin and Penelope have the perfect wedding song in Bridgerton, which demonstrates how happy they make each other and what a strong foundation of friendship they have to start their life together. They still have some reconciliation and growing to do, but their vows are beautiful and make it clear that nothing could ever come between them. It’s the perfect culmination of their story and easily brings a tear to the eye. Though not their steamiest scene, it’s one of their most romantic.

7Colin Defends Penelope To Her Family

The Featheringtons have never had an easy relationship, but Colin doesn’t let them push her around.

Lady Portia Featherington (Polly Walker) and Penelope Featherington (Nicola Coughlan) chatting in the drawing room in Bridgerton season 3 Part 1 Colin in Bridgerton season 3 Penelope in Bridgerton season 3
Portia in Bridgerton season 3
Penelope in Bridgerton season 3 Penelope in Bridgerton season 3

Before season 3, Penelope was constantly overlooked as a wallflower, and even her family was determined to keep her in the background and not take her seriously. All this changes when Penlope’s betrothal to Colin is announced in Lady Whistledown, and she lets her family read about the news instead of telling them herself. Angry and hurt, her mother lashes out and says awful things to Penelope about how Colin doesn’t love her and that her desire to have a love match is something that can never be achieved. Luckily, it doesn’t take long for Colin to step in.

For the first time in her life, someone stands up for Penelope to her family and informs her mother that this is the last time anyone will ever push Penelope around. Colin declares his true love and honorable intentions with Penelope, shocking her mother and putting her in her place. This changes her mother’s attitude towards her for the remainder of the season and imbues Pen with a new confidence and sense of security in her relationship.

6Colin Admits He’s Jealous Of Pen Being Lady Whistledown

His envy of her writing and success soon shifts into respect and admiration.

Penelope (Nicola Coughlan) about to cry in Bridgerton season 3 episode 8 Lady Whistledown leaves her pseudonym behind and signs her journal for the first time as Penelope Bridgerton in Bridgerton season 3 episode 8 Colin Bridgerton (Luke Newton) rereading the old letters Penelope sent him in Bridgerton season 3 episode 8 Penelope (Nicola Coughlan) looking worried watching Colin Bridgerton (Luke Newton) sleeping on the sofa in Bridgerton season 3 episode 8 Penelope (Nicola Coughlan) wearing a green cloak, taking the Lady Whistledown journal manuscript to the printind press in Bridgerton season 3 episode 6

One of the biggest book changes in Bridgerton season 3 revolves around Colin’s reaction to learning that Pen is Lady Whistledown and her future as an author. A large part of season 3 is the pressure that Eloise (Claudia Jessie) puts on Penelope to admit to Colin that she’s Lady Whistledown. The revelation of Penelope’s identity breaks apart her friendship with Eloise, and Penelope is terrified that her relationship with Colin will crumble if he learns the truth. However, it turns out to be something entirely different.

Earlier in the season, he shows Penelope his writing and admits his passion for it, so seeing her success and the ease with which she crafts the written word is a blow to his ego.

Although Colin is angry that she kept the secret and is hurt over the pain that Lady Whistledown has caused him, he eventually realizes that what he truly feels is envy. Earlier in the season, he shows Penelope his writing and admits his passion for it, so seeing her success and the ease with which she crafts the written word is a blow to his ego. However, he proves himself to be a good man and a loyal partner by sharing these feelings with Pen and telling her how proud he is of her work.

5Penelope Admitting She’s Always Loved Colin

After their engagement, Penelope feels safe enough to open up to Colin about her long-held feelings.

Penelope (Nicola Coughlan) smiling and looking over her shoulder in the church in Bridgerton season 3 episode 6 Colin in Bridgerton season 3 Penelope in Birdgerton season 3 Colin in Bridgerton season 3

Despite the fact that Colin’s obliviousness to Penelope’s affections borders on unbelievable at times, he truly had no idea she felt anything other than friendship towards him until after their first kiss. Even then, he second-guesses himself and is unsure about whether Penelope will return his feelings. To the audience, it’s clear that Penelope is just as enamored with him, but it’s endearing to see Colin being the one developing feelings. Though they’re on the same page about their love after the engagement, Colin still doesn’t know all the details.

Their engagement is announced in church, to the couple’s excitement, and when they’re left alone there, Penelope takes this moment to be honest with Colin. While she should be telling him that she’s Lady Whistledown, opening up to him in this way is a big step. She admits to being in love with him for years, and Colin is shocked but promises that he will spend the rest of his life making this up to her. This is everything Penelope has ever wanted to hear, and Colin truly means it.

4Colin’s Courting Lessons Get Steamy

It doesn’t take long for tensions to arise as Colin coaches Pen to find a husband.

Penelope looking over her shoulder with Colin standing behind her in Bridgerton Season 3 Penelope Featherington (Nicola Coughlan) bandages Colin Bridgerton's (Luke Newton) hand as they look into each other's eyes in Bridgerton season 3 trailer Colin Bridgerton watches as Penelope Featherington flirts using a fan in Bridgerton season 3 trailer Colin and Penelope Smiling at Each Other in Bridgerton Colin Bridgerton (Luke Newton) and Penelope (Nicola Coughlan) chatting under a leafy tree in Bridgerton season 3 Part 1

When they lean down to clean it, and Colin hurts his hand, they grow so close it seems they’re about to kiss.

It’s somewhat ironic that Colin makes it his business to ensure that Penelope finds a suitable husband during the first half of season 3 when he’s the one who’s going to marry her all along. However, when the pair first embark upon their agreement, each has every intention of ensuring Pen finds a good man and secures a future with anyone other than Colin. As Penelope is unsure of herself and struggles to communicate with suitors, it soon occurs to Colin that they should practice role-playing. He tells Penelope she should behave as if she’s trying to court him.

He brings to the Bridgerton house, and Penelope tells him how beautiful his eyes are, leading to a moment filled with longing. However, things heat up even more when Eloise comes home, and Penelope hides in the study to avoid her. It’s there that Colin discovers her reading his journal, and she breaks some glass. When they lean down to clean it, and Colin hurts his hand, they grow so close it seems they’re about to kiss. Unfortunately, it takes a little longer for them to kiss, but the build-up is almost as good.

3Their First Kiss

Just when Penelope believes all hope is lost, their first glimmers of passion emerge.

Nicola Coughlan as Penelope Featherington in Bridgerton season 3 episode 2 (1)-1 Luke Newton as Colin Bridgerton Visiting Nicola Coughlan as Penelope Featherington Secretly at Night in Bridgerton season 3 Penelope looking up at Colin in Bridgerton season 3  Penelope looks at Colin on the dance floor in Bridgerton season 3 still Penelope (Nicola Coughlan) lying on her bed looking distressed in Bridgerton season 3 Part 1

Penelope struggles with the marriage mart in the first half of Bridgerton season 3, and though she’s still angry with Colin for insulting her at the end of season 2, she turns to him for help. However, Penelope can’t seem to get things right because she’s not going after the person she truly loves. While all this unfolds, word gets out that Colin’s helping Penelope, and she must write it in Whistledown to avoid suspicion. This nearly ruins her reputation, and every eligible bachelor in the ton laughs at her, convincing Pen that she will never get married.

Colin secretly comes to the Featherington house to check on her in the midst of her despair, and as she already feels ruined, Penelope risks meeting with him. It’s then that she asks Colin to kiss her, as she wants to experience it once if she’s never going to be married. Though he hesitates, Colin obliges, and their lives are turned upside down. The kiss is magical and changes how they look at each other completely. It’s during their kiss that Colin first discovers the depth of his feelings for Pen.

2The Carriage Scene

The moment when Colin and Penelope’s relationship changes forever.

Luke Newton as Colin Bridgerton and Nicola Coughlan as Penelope Featherington in Bridgerton season 3 episode 4 Colin Bridgerton (Luke Newton) and Penelope Featherington (Nicola Coughlan) about to kiss in Bridgerton season 3 Part 1 Luke Newton as Colin Bridgerton and Nicola Coughlan as Penelope Featherington Speaking in a Carriage in Bridgerton season 3 Luke Newton as Colin Bridgerton and Nicola Coughlan as Penelope Featherington in Bridgerton season 3, episode 4-1 Penelope (Nicola Coughlan) standing in front of Colin Bridgerton (Luke Newton) and Lord Alfred Debling (Sam Phillips) in Bridgerton season 3 Part 1

Throughout season 3, part 1, Colin grows increasingly confused about his feelings towards Penelope and the mounting jealousy he feels when he sees her with Lord Debling. All of this comes to a head in the wake of the ball after Lord Debling indicates his intentions to propose to Penelope. Colin tries to keep his distance but ends up coming between them and making Debling realize that there’s something between Colin and Pen. Still convinced this isn’t true, Penelope is furious with Colin and flees the ball. Of course, Colin chases after her, leading to his declaration.

When he joins her in the carriage, he finally admits his growing attraction and love for her, leading to a kiss much more explosive than the first hesitant one they shared.

When he joins her in the carriage, he finally admits his growing attraction and love for her, leading to a kiss much more explosive than the first hesitant one they shared. This quickly escalates into much more than kissing and blossoms into the heated rush of being together for the first time. Before anything too untoward can occur, they suddenly arrive at the Bridgerton house, and Penelope can hardly believe what’s happened. However, Colin is certain of his desires now and asks Penelope to marry him, leading her inside.

Bridgerton season 3 supposedly concluded with Penelope and Colin’s happily ever after, but I’m not convinced that this was Penelope’s ideal ending.

1The Mirror Scene

The long-awaited book moment that the show beautifully brought to life.

Luke Newton as Colin Bridgerton and Nicola Coughlan as Penelope Featherington standing in front of a mirror in Bridgerton season 3 part 2 bridgerton-mirror-scene Colin Bridgerton (Luke Newton) and Penelope (Nicola Coughlan) cuddling after making love in Bridgerton season 3 episode 5 Colin Bridgerton (Luke Newton) caressing Penelope's (Nicola Coughlan) neck in Bridgerton season 3 Part 2  Colin Bridgerton (Luke Newton) smiling in Bridgerton season 3 episode 5

Since the announcement that Bridgerton season 3 would focus on Colin and Penelope, fans have been waiting for the infamous mirror scene in Romancing Mr. Bridgerton. In the scene, the chemistry between Coughlan and Newton is at an all-time high, but not just because it’s the first time that the characters are completely intimate with each other. Before they consummate the relationship, Colin takes the time to show Penelope herself in the mirror through his eyes, praising not just her beauty but also her heart.

Though Colin had a long way to go to redeem himself in the eyes of many audience members who had written him off for overlooking Penelope, the mirror scene is a great example of how much he’s changed. While Colin is patient, gentle, and visibly head-over-heels for Penelope, it’s equally enjoyable seeing Penelope come into her own as a woman. The whole season revolves around Penelope realizing her power, and though she’s hesitant at first, Penelope gains confidence and is able to tell Colin what she wants and how much she desires him.