Bridgerton and Queen Charlotte spinoffIn 2020, Bridgerton first entered the streaming scene, and now three years later, the series has transformed into a full-on franchise with three seasons to its name and a spinoff, all of this leading to the firm belief that Bridgerton will only continue to make spinoffs and succeed accordingly. The Bridgerton frachise is made up of Regency Era romantic dramas loosely based on a series of novels by Julia Quinn. The base series, Bridgerton, follows the romantic exploits of the eight Bridgerton children, meanwhile Queen Charlotte explores the romantic origins of Queen Charlotte and King George of England.

While many Netflix series can claim to be successful based on the amount of press and fan engagement they receive, Bridgerton has consistent numbers to back it up. So far, the franchise has released two seasons of Bridgerton and a season of Queen Charlotte. All three of those installments appear on Netflix’s Top 10 Most Watched List. Essentially, this boils down to the fact that the Bridgerton franchise makes up 33% of Netflix’s most successful series. In this way, Bridgerton is not just food for thought for its viewers; it truly is one of Netflix’s most prosperous and lucrative projects.

Bridgerton’s Viewing Record Means Netflix Will Want A Lot More Seasons & Spinoffs

Bridgerton Family Cast

Based on Bridgerton’s undeniable success, it stands to reason that the streaming service will try to continue this trend for as long as possible. The series already has a widely hyped third season in the final stages of development, and is rumored to be released at the end of 2023 during Netflix’s Christmas line-up. From there, the franchise has a guarantee of five more seasons in order to cover all the Bridgerton siblings stories, as laid out in Julia Quinn’s novels. But more than that, Netflix probably won’t stop at just the regular Bridgerton series. Instead, the spinoff possibilities will be taken to their full advantage.

The main argument for creating other Bridgerton spinoffs, aside from the franchise’s general accomplishments, is how well Queen Charlotte in particular did with viewers. The spinoff following the series’ queenly character actually isn’t even part of the original Bridgerton novels, however, the series performed just as well as a normal season. This is a cue to Netflix that, at this point, any Bridgeton property will likely garner an impressive amount of viewers. Luckily, the franchise isn’t lacking in spinoff ideas either. The series’ biggest strength is its ensemble of lovable, interesting characters.

Netflix Has Already Revealed The Best & Most Likely Bridgerton Spinoff Ideas

While Netflix could go in many directions when it comes to Bridgerton spinoffs, the most likely storylines have already been planted. Namely, Queen Charlotte is a prequel, therefore it explores the lives of Bridgerton’s older adult characters in their youth. Along with Charlotte, there are storylines following the cutting Lady Danbury and Violet Bridgerton in particular. Therefore, it seems most likely that any new Bridgerton spinoffs will focus on the fantastical romance between Violet and Edmund Bridgerton or the more liberal escapades of Lady Danbury.

Either way, Bridgerton’s success looks like it’s far from fading. Along with Stranger Things, Bridgerton is Netflix’s biggest superpower, and luckily, both Netflix and fans are wanting more of the franchise. Therefore, along with five more wonderful seasons of balls and love matches, Bridgerton fans can also keep sights on whatever spinoffs are sure to come their way.