The Umbrella Academy brought back the Hargreeves siblings for one last ride to save the world. We have been through four seasons of world and life-altering events in the Hargreeves family, but this last round bids the family a (literal) final farewell with a rather sad ending.

After six years in a new new timeline, the Hargreeves siblings are learning how to live their lives without their powers. Reginald’s time-warping machinations from the previous seasons have finally come to fruition. He’s even reunited with his long-lost wife, Abigail. But the siblings now have to deal with one last world-ending event, called “The Cleanse.” A group calling themselves “The Keepers” wants to trigger the Cleanse to bring back what they believe to be the original timeline that we saw way back in Season 1 and 2. But Abigail is equally capable of machinations, as she is revealed to be the catalyst for the Cleanse to rectify her and Reginald’s mistake in bringing the marigold particles that give the Hargreeves their powers. They both pay the price for their mistakes together.

the hargreeves siblings in the umbrella academy in season that ends it all

Are the Hargreeves Able to Finally Save the World in The Umbrella Academy Season Four?

In order to save the world, the Hargreeves siblings have to erase themselves from the timeline. This leaves us with a world that is without the Hargreeves and any new apocalyptic events. Here’s what happens to each of the Hargreeves siblings in The Umbrella Academy‘s fourth and final season.

What Happens to Luther Hargreeves in The Umbrella Academy Season Four?

Luther is alive again after being rather ruthlessly killed by his own father at the end of season three, and he is back looking more human than ever. Tragically, he is left in this new timeline without his wife, Sloane, who was a member of the Sparrow Academy, an alternate Umbrella Academy collective in the previous timeline. He tries and fails to find her, and has resorted to living in a decrepit building that was formerly the “Hargreeves Home for Wayward Boys.” Luther was stuck for a long time aspiring to return to the Umbrella Academy’s glory days. Thankfully, he manages to keep his siblings together for one last ride, making the ultimate sacrifice alongside them.

What Happens to Diego Hargreeves in The Umbrella Academy Season Four?

In season four, Diego and Lila have three kids and a calm family life. He’s a bit disillusioned with losing his powers and having to work as a delivery driver, but he gets one last chance to be the crimefighter he dreamed of becoming. Diego’s powers are new and improved, allowing him to control many more projectiles at once than before. But his most important arc is the realization about what he actually values most about his life: his wife, Lila, and his kids. In the end, they send their kids and the rest of Lila’s family to safety, hoping that the timeline reset will spare them. Diego and Lila are both erased from the timeline but their family survives.

How Does THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY Season 4 End the Hargreeves Siblings' Stories?_1


What Happens to Allison Hargreeves in The Umbrella Academy Season Four?

After Allison made a deal with her father to bring back her daughter Claire and her husband Ray, we see both of them at the end of season three. But in season four, Ray and Allison are no longer together. She lives with Clair and her brother Klaus. Although she is initially ostracized by the rest of her siblings for the deal that she made with Reginald, Allison finds a way to reconnect with her siblings. What better way to do it than having to save the world yet again?!

Allison used to control people with her words and now she’s capable of telekinesis. Her power has grown, but so has her commitment to protect her daughter. This comes to a head towards the end of the season, as she sends Claire off with Lila’s family after a final goodbye. At the very end of season four, we see Claire and all of Lila’s family alive and well, but it is unclear whether any of the children remember their parents.

What Happens to Klaus Hargreeves in The Umbrella Academy Season Four?

At the end of season three, Klaus dies (again) and then comes back to life (again) to reveal the shocking truth that their father was responsible for his and Luther’s deaths. In season four, he is power-free and grateful for it, resolving to stay sober. Once Allison brings him back from the dead with marigold, the particles that give the siblings their powers, it sets Klaus on a self-destructive path once again, one he can only be saved from by his family. As difficult of a time Klaus has had, he has a very sweet relationship with his niece, Claire, and does his best to be a great uncle for “Claire Bear,” as he calls her. Although Klaus is very afraid of being mortal again, he also steps up to sacrifice himself along with the rest of his siblings to save the world.

What Happens to Five Hargreeves in The Umbrella Academy Season Four?

Five is tired of having to save the world. But he unfortunately has to do it yet again, and discovers a solution that will finally stick. Five finds work as a CIA agent investigating the Keepers. His new powers involve strange time travel yet again, as he only is capable of teleporting to a subway station that he discovers leads him to the same moment in time in different timelines. He ventures to a different timeline with Lila, getting stuck somewhere in an alternate timeline for six years.

In a strange turn of events, Five and Lila fall in love after being the only two people stuck in an alternate timeline. They eventually find a way back home, leading to some classic messy Hargreeves family drama. Five’s instinct is usually to blink away whenever trouble comes around or he gets too tired of his (technically) younger siblings. But he decides to stick around with his family for the final showdown, as they reset the timeline with their sacrifice.

the Hargreeves siblings stand in a conference room in the umbrella academy season four trailer


What Happens to Ben Hargreeves in The Umbrella Academy Season Four?

After becoming the most reluctant member of the family last season, this final round finds Ben as snarky as ever. In fact, he just got out of jail for bankrupting people in a cryptocurrency mishap. We finally get an explanation for what happened to the original Ben this season. The previous timeline’s Ben was killed in the “Jennifer incident,” where he touched a girl named Jennifer that he was trying to rescue, but their meeting triggered a chain reaction that could have destroyed the world. That timeline’s Reginald killed both Ben and Jennifer in order to prevent it. But the new Ben meets a new Jennifer, leading to a cataclysmic turn of events. Even though he is a part of the Cleanse, Ben does his best to protect his siblings from himself.

What Happens to Viktor Hargreeves in The Umbrella Academy Season Four?

Viktor starts off the season living in Canada. Without his powers, he is carefree. He runs a bar and mostly keeps his distance from the rest of the family. Despite his best efforts, he is still pulled into the Hargreeves’ antics for one last ride, finding himself with new powers that allow him to blast laser-like energy. Viktor also finally had the chance to make peace with the new version of his father. As the Cleanse draws nearer, Viktor also does everything in his power to make sure his family does not get hurt.

What Happens to Lila in The Umbrella Academy Season Four?

The first time we meet Lila, she is an undercover agent trying to get closer to the Hargreeves siblings. Over time, she has truly become a member of the family. In the old timeline, Lila could mimic other people’s powers, but only within a certain range. In season four, she has these same powers, but this time she can shoot lasers from her eyes like Superman. At the end of season four, Lila learns that she is pregnant, and she is very nervous about becoming a mother. After the siblings transport to the new timeline, she and Diego decide to start a family.

Six years later, Lila is dissatisfied with being a stay-at-home mother and continues undercover work investigating the Keepers. She gets stuck along with Five in an alternate timeline, and she begins to develop feelings for him, even though she yearns to go home. Once they find a way home, she is extremely relieved to be reunited with her children, but still has complicated feelings for both Diego and Five. Lila has the most difficult time saying farewell to her family, but decides at the very last moment to let them go. She stays back with the rest of the Hargreeves to save the world one last time.

It’s a rather sad but not surprising ending for everyone. We don’t know if there will be any spinoffs now that The Umbrella Academy is done but we will truly miss this ragtag group of superpowered siblings.