Jane Grey from My Lady Jane is on front of gold glitter.

My Lady Jane season 1 leaves many mysteries and questions open-ended, setting the show up for a second season. The Prime Video show is a feminist anachronistic historical fantasy retelling of the real-life story of Jane Grey, the Nine Days Queen. While the real woman was forced to be queen and then beheaded at 15 years old, the series gives Jane Grey a chance to have an active role, changing her own story. My Lady Jane has been well received because the show is similar to Bridgerton and The Great.

While My Lady Jane season 2 hasn’t been confirmed yet, the Amazon series only covers half of the eponymous book on which it’s based. Mary is still on the throne of England. Jane and Guildford have escaped, but he’s still plagued by forced changes every day. King Edward and Fitz’s romance has just started heating up. My Lady Jane still has many more stories to tell and questions that need to be answered.

9How Will Edward Overthrow Mary?

Edward Plans To Take Back His Throne At The End Of My Lady Jane Season 1

Queen Mary with crossbow in My Lady Jane

At the end of My Lady Jane season 1, Edward pulls together the Ethians with promises to fight for them when he gets his throne back. They plan to save Jane and overthrow Mary, but only the first part of the plan works. Though they prevent Jane’s beheading, Mary remains on the throne going into a possible second season. Considering Edward is one of the heroes, it seems unlikely Mary will stay on the throne by the end of the series.

Mary’s staying on the throne would also change the book’s plot in a drastic way. Unfortunately, the castle guards also don’t seem to recognize King Edward, preventing him from peacefully taking back his throne. He has no power if they think he’s a peasant. Based on these factors, a second fight scene could occur in My Lady Jane season 2, allowing the King to overthrow his nefarious, power-hungry sister by force.

8Will Guildford Gain Control Over His Ethian Form?

Guildford Changes Into A Horse Every Day

Guildford is a brown horse with a black mane in My Lady Jane

Ethians in My Lady Jane are supposed to be able to change back and forth at will because of their magic. Unfortunately, Guildford doesn’t possess this ability. Instead, he’s forced to change into his horse form every day. This, in combination with his traumatic background, causes him to hate himself and desire a cure for his Ethianism. My Lady Jane season 2 will need to explore Guildford’s inability to transform at will.

The book shows that Guildford isn’t the only Ethian unable to control their transformation and provides answers about why he can’t change. Without spoiling the answer to this question, Guildford and the other Ethians spend a good amount of time trying to gain control over their change from human to animal and back. Hopefully, the character will focus on this goal instead of continuing to pursue an Ethian cure.

7Who Is Alice, And Why Is She In Prison?

Alice Is A Mysterious Character In Only One Scene

Alice shouts with her face to the window on a door in My Lady Jane

The finale of My Lady Jane season 2 introduces a woman named Alice who’s in the Ethian jail alongside Guildford. She’s only on the screen for a short time, but Holly Freeman’s performance as Alice is memorable. Alice seems to have a fear of the guards that’s disproportionate to the real danger. As such, My Lady Jane should bring the character back and explore her background.

Whether it’s her official charge or not, she’s likely in prison simply for being an Ethian since the Verities and royal family are shown being brutal to the magical beings. However, there are still a lot of questions about her specific charge and how she ended up in the Tower of London. Historically, the tower was known for holding high-status prisoners. If this is also true within the fantasy version of My Lady Jane, Alice might have a more significant backstory worth expanding upon.

6Will The Rioters Become Violent After Jane’s Attempted Execution?

The Rioters Want Ethian Rights

A crowd of people in My Lady Jane

The end of My Lady Jane season 1 includes a major fight scene between the people watching Jane’s execution and the guards. Mary’s advisors had previously told her that the English people were rioting, calling for Ethian rights and the end of Division Law. It’s unclear whether these rioters are the same people, but those who started the fight seemed to be members of the Pack planted there to help Jane.

If the rioters and the members of the Pack aren’t one and the same, it’s possible the rioters will get violent after learning that Mary tried to execute Jane. After all, her only crime was marrying an Ethian, which the rioters would probably not think of as a valid law. Prime Video’s My Lady Jane season 2 could explore the English people’s reactions in more detail, showing the political unrest onscreen. Considering the parallels between the Ethian vs. Verity conflict and real-life discrimination, a riot by the peasants would seem fitting.

5What Happens To Jane And Guildford’s Families?

The Greys And Dudleys Are Traitors To The Crown

Lady Grey smiles while standing with Jane, Margaret, and Katherine in My Lady Jane

After the events at the end of My Lady Jane season 1, Jane and Guildford’s families will undoubtedly be considered enemies of Queen Mary. Many of them had a hand in helping Jane and Guildford escape, and Queen Mary already has disdain for Jane’s mother, Frances. Stan and Frances seem to have reignited their flame at the end, but that doesn’t mean the families are safe.

Queen Mary has already shown that she’s willing to murder her friends and family if it suits her needs. She also has a temper and a taste for blood, shooting people with a crossbow to kill them just because she’s angry. It seems the two families will have a bad time going into My Lady Jane season 2. If they stay in the kingdom, the show must explain why Queen Mary spares them. If not, it will be interesting to see what their life looks like outside of their monarchy titles.

4What Happens To Bess In Prime Video Show?

Bess Is In A Precarious Situation With Queen Mary

Bess looks panicked in My Lady Jane

Unlike the Grey and Dudley families, Bess is in a slightly better position at the end of Amazon’s My Lady Jane. It’s unclear whether Mary wanted to shoot her with a crossbow or intended to miss, with the character saying she’s trying to teach Bess a lesson. However, at the end, Bess is shown trying to calm Mary down, who comes after Bess, screaming while brandishing a weapon. My Lady Jane season 2 will need to show whether the queen continues punishing and taking her anger out on Bess or lets her sister back in her good graces.

Even if Bess is safe, the character likely won’t approve of her sister’s actions as the reigning monarch, creating more drama. The book also shows Bess helping Edward plan to take back the kingdom from Mary – a part of the story that should be replicated for the second season of the Amazon show.

3Who Is The Narrator In My Lady Jane?

The Narrator Has Not Appeared Onscreen In My Lady Jane

A crowd of onlookers in My Lady Jane

While it’s not a question that’s crucial for My Lady Jane season 2 to answer, one of the biggest mysteries within the story is the identity of the narrator. The My Lady Jane narrator is voiced by Oliver Chris, but the character doesn’t even have a real name. Speculation about the narrator’s identity occurs because the series falls within the same genre of anachronistic period pieces as Bridgerton, where the narrator’s identity has a big role.

As such, many viewers would naturally think the narrator could be someone known from the show. However, there’s a good chance that the narrator is somebody of no significance or not even connected to the story. After all, the narrator seems omniscient rather than bound to a limited perspective. In either case, the narrator is one of the funniest and most sarcastic characters in Prime Video’s My Lady Jane, and it would be interesting to know his connection to the larger story.

2Will Jane Grey Be An Ethian?

Jane Grey Is An Ethian In The My Lady Jane Book

A heavily guarded Jane looks solemn in My Lady Jane

One of the biggest changes from the My Lady Jane book to the show is that Jane is an Ethian who can turn into a ferret. She only discovers this after Mary orders her and Guildford’s execution. Because the show ends just after her execution, there’s still a possibility that Jane will learn that she’s an Ethian in My Lady Jane season 2.

The only difference would be the inciting incident for her first turn since she’s out of prison in the last moments of My Lady Jane season 1. Jane will undoubtedly be put in more stressful situations that could trigger her latent Ethian gene. The choice to delay her turn would be smart because it prevents the unsatisfying scenes where Jane and Guildford never get to spend time together in their human form because of their opposite forced transformations. However, the Amazon show could also choose to remove Jane’s Ethian form altogether.

1Will Bess Eventually Take Over The Kingdom?

My Lady Jane Could Change This Part Of History

My Lady Jane Cast Abbie Hern

While the series is anachronistic historical fiction, it still follows the basic framework of the true story of My Lady Jane. King Edward is on the throne and seemingly dies, naming Jane his successor. Jane takes over as Queen and is quickly defeated by the rightful heir, Queen Mary. Mary demands the beheading of Jane and her husband, Guildford. Because these elements remain true to the story, it seems logical that Elizabeth I (called Bess in the series) would eventually take the throne from Mary since this occurred in real life.

However, it seems unlikely it will happen because Mary dies. After all, every other death in the historical story is changed. On the other hand, Mary is the villain, so her death might stay in the story. It will be interesting to see how My Lady Jane season 2, or possibly seasons further than that, adapts this aspect of history.

Mary’s staying on the throne would also change the book’s plot in a drastic way. Unfortunately, the castle guards also don’t seem to recognize King Edward, preventing him from peacefully taking back his throne. He has no power if they think he’s a peasant. Based on these factors, a second fight scene could occur in My Lady Jane season 2, allowing the King to overthrow his nefarious, power-hungry sister by force.

8Will Guildford Gain Control Over His Ethian Form?

Guildford Changes Into A Horse Every Day