bold and beautiful luna keeping steffy in a cage.


Sometimes being smart can be a curse. Just ask Bold and Beautiful‘s Steffy. After the horror of seeing Luna kiss Bill caused her to confront her brother’s girlfriend, Steffy followed her to Luna and Poppy’s old apartment, which is about to be condemned. During the confrontation, she figured out that Luna was even more loony than she realized — not to mention lethal: She murdered her own father, Tom, as well as poor Hollis!

Oh, The Possibilities

Now Steffy knows too much and is stuck in a cage … but this can’t possibly be the end of Steffy, can it? Surely someone will rescue her, but the question is: Who will it be? Digest examines the possible hero pool. Here’s our analysis.


Steffy is a very capable, bold woman who knows what she wants and how to get it. But let’s face it — where is the drama if she saves herself? While we feel she is perfectly capable of getting herself out of a jam of this magnitude, we doubt that’s where this is headed.


The good doctor is a survivor. She had her sister’s and niece’s number from day one. (Relatives are usually good at stuff like that.) Li wanted both out of town and away from her son’s family but she didn’t get her way. She certainly is motivated to find her daughter-in-law and would probably suspect that naughty niece of hers given the chance. So while she is certainly capable, we don’t see Li being Steffy’s savior… this time.


How much would it smart if Steffy was saved by a Logan?! A lot, we bet. Katie has never suspected Luna of anything and she thinks she has the right Nozawa in jail. Why would she bother? But if she hears that Steffy is missing, Katie could very easily put two and two together and come up with four. A little more likely than others but we still doubt this is where the story is headed.


It’s hard to imagine a candidate that would bother Luna more than if Bill, her big prize, figured out what she was up to and rescued his ex-lover from her clutches. And while that would be fun, unless the show was planning to revisit “Still,” we can’t see a reason for them to write this option.


How funny would it be if Steffy ended up owing her freedom to the woman she detests more than almost anyone else? It would be a way for Hope to redeem herself in her stepsister’s eyes after her time in the doghouse for kissing Steffy’s husband. This has a little more of a chance of happening, but there are still better options.


Oh, wouldn’t he love to ride in as Steffy’s hero? Liam has wanted to reunite with his daughter’s mother for some time and while their two stolen kisses have yet to be made public, it would be hard for anyone to get mad at him for that if he also saved Steffy’s life. And we really need people to be mad at him when they learn about those kisses!


No one can say Finn isn’t Steffy’s hero. He got her out of that toxic triangle with Liam and Hope and showed her there was a healthy way to have a relationship. He came back from the dead, so to speak, because of their love (and his adopted mother, Li’s love too, but we digress). While this would make “Sinn” fans swoon, story-wise, it’s a little snoozeville.


That is why hard money is on Finn’s biological mother, Sheila. She needs a huge win to score even a single brownie point with her son’s wife. Saving her daughter Kelly didn’t do it. So Sheila saving Steffy from a young woman who appears to be giving her a run for her money in the whack-job department seems like the perfect way for her to finally be seen as a woman worthy of being allowed to speak to her own son.

Who do you think will be the one to save Steffy from that lunatic Luna? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.