Amazon’s newest hit series, My Lady Jane, is an epic addition to the period romance genre, and the love story between Jane and Guildford comes through in the couple’s best moments and scenes. Their relationship keeps audiences hooked on the series until the end, but the story’s fantastical elements are equally strong. Emily Bader and Edward Bluemel star as Jane and Guildford, who turn from enemies to allies to lovers in quick succession. However, secrets, lies, and desperate plots stand in the way of the pair’s happiness, making it all the more satisfying when they can be together.

It takes a moment for Jane and Guildford to realize that the initial attraction between them can blossom into something much more rich and real, but once they do, everything is different.

The cast and characters of My Lady Jane elevate the show beyond a typical romance, as each person is well-developed and interesting to see onscreen. However, the star of the series is the chemistry between Jane and Guildford, considering that their love drives their actions for the latter half of the season. It takes a moment for Jane and Guildford to realize that the initial attraction between them can blossom into something much more rich and real, but once they do, everything is different. Despite this, neither of them can ignore the kingdom’s injustice or turn away from their duties.

8The Wedding

Season 1, Episode 1, “Who’ll Be The Next In Line?”

Jane and Guildford in My Lady Jane
Jane and Guildford in My Lady Jane
Jane in My Lady Jane Guildford in My Lady Jane Jane and Edward in My Lady Jane

After the pilot of My Lady Jane, the show pivots in its central conflict. For all of the first episode, Jane is determined to get out of her arranged marriage and be her own free, independent person. When she finds out that her mother, Lady Frances (Anna Chancellor), has betrothed her to Guildford Dudley, whom she’s never met, she attempts to escape but capitulates to save her younger sister from a worse suitor. However, when Jane walks down the aisle at the end of the first episode, she gets the shock of a lifetime.

The looks they share and the mutual feelings of anger and attraction make the entire wedding chock-full of drama and tension.

Jane believed she was marrying Guildford’s brother, but lo and behold, it was Guildford standing at the end of the altar, and she had encountered him on her brief trip to the outside world when she was trying to flee their wedding. The looks they share and the mutual feelings of anger and attraction make the entire wedding chock-full of drama and tension. Though Jane still tries to avoid their union, she eventually ties the knot, setting the great love story of her life in motion.

7Guildford Tells Jane She Gave Him Hope

Season 1, Episode 5, “I’m Gonna Change The World”

Jane and Guildford in My Lady Jane
Jane and Guildford in My Lady Jane Jane and Guildford in My Lady Jane Guildford in My Lady Jane Jane and Guildford in My Lady Jane

The slow development of the love and respect that grows between Jane and Guildford is one of the best parts of My Lady Jane, especially considering Guildford has so many walls up. There’s plenty of early animosity in the first episodes of the show, especially after Jane learns that Guildford wanted to marry her so she could find a cure for Ethianism. Of course, Jane quickly realizes that there is no cure, and there shouldn’t be, but Guildford has so much internalized self-hatred that the thought of a cure brings him immense joy.

Jane is the first person who dedicates herself to helping him, which is instrumental in his personal development. My Lady Jane nails the enemies-to-lovers romance formula because there’s so much immediate attraction and then an emotional connection and care that builds. Guildford opens himself up to the possibility of hope because of Jane, and when he does accept himself as an Ethian, it’s because he has a foundation of love and support from Jane. Just before the banquet Jane throws, he comes to her and expresses how much she means to him and how pivotal it is to hope.

6Their First Meeting

Season 1, Episode 1, “Who’ll Be The Next In Line?”

Jane talks to Guildford in a pub in My Lady Jane Edward Bluemel as Guildford Dudley smiling in My Lady Jane Jane and Guildford in My Lady Jane Jane and Guildford in My Lady Jane

While it’s true that their lust does turn into true love, their meet-cute is filled with tension.

As the narrator in My Lady Jane says, there’s such a thing as “lust at first sight,” and the initial encounter between Jane and Guildford cannot be described as anything but that. While it’s true that their lust does turn into true love, their meet-cute is filled with tension. It sees them lock eyes across a tavern and is Jane’s first entry into the outside world. They have no idea they’ll be married in a few short days. This loaded interaction between them that kicks off their relationship colors the love-hate dynamic in the first few episodes.

While the attraction is obvious, they immediately begin to bicker, which just makes the appeal of their relationship grow stronger. It’s also a great introduction to the dynamic of their characters. So far, the audience has become familiar with Jane but knows nothing about Guildford. Jane maintains her independence and strength and doesn’t dim the light of her intelligence. At the same time, Guildford is clearly interested in these aspects of her personality and is looking forward to a continuation of their banter. The fact that they meet each other as equals lends itself to their eventual connection.

5Their First Kiss

Season 1, Episode 3, “With A Girl Like You”

Jane and Guildford in My Lady Jane Jane and Guildford in My Lady Jane Jane and Guildford in My Lady Jane Jane and Guildford in bed in My Lady Jane

By the time Guildford and Jane finally lock lips, it’s been a long time coming, and they’ve already come close to kissing many times before this. However, there’s nothing like a near-death experience that makes the rising tension boil over and brings the budding couple close to consummating their relationship. When Jane and Guildford go to rescue Susanna (Máiréad Tyers), Jane learns about the depth of the Ethian’s suffering. However, neither Jane nor Guildford yet knows the danger they’re in.

King Edward VI (Jordan Peters) is Jane’s cousin, and when faced with choosing a successor to the throne, he names Jane in his will. At this point in the series, Jane and Guildford have no idea this is going to happen. However, Mary (Kate O’Flynn) and Seymour (Dominic Cooper) fear Jane’s claim to the throne and send assassins after her and Guildford. They defeat them handily, and the adrenaline pushes each character to their breaking point. They can’t keep their hands off each other and release their pent-up feelings in a heated moment in the woods.

4Guilford Challenges Jane In The Woods

Season 1, Episode 3, “With A Girl Like You”

Jane and Guildford wrestle in My Lady Jane Jane looks confused in the dark in My Lady Jane Jane and Guildford in My Lady Jane Jane in My Lady Jane
Jane and Guildford in My Lady Jane

Every good enemies-to-lovers couple needs a good battle, whether it’s of wits or daggers. In the case of Jane and Guildford, it’s both. Guildford is initially hesitant to help Jane rescue Susanna, but the fact that he goes after her reveals his deeper feelings toward Jane. However, unable to show this, he criticizes Jane’s dagger grip, resulting in a full-on sparring match between them. It’s the closest they can get to each other without expressing their physical pining, so it’s equally satisfying to see Jane best Guildford in the fight as it is to see them close to each other.

The fate of the Ethians and their struggle under Mary’s rule would likely be a huge thrust of additional stories in the show’s world.

My Lady Jane season 1 leaves many questions unanswered that must be further explored in season 2. While Amazon hasn’t officially renewed the series, its mounting popularity is promising. The fate of the Ethians and their struggle under Mary’s rule would likely be a huge thrust of additional stories in the show’s world. It can’t be forgotten that as Jane and Guildford engage in playful bickering and fighting, there’s a whole world of Ethians who are preparing to rise up and need their allyship.

3Jane Doesn’t Want A Divorce

Season 1, Episode 5, “I’m Gonna Change The World”

Jane and Guildford in My Lady Jane Jane and Guildford in My Lady Jane Jane and Guildford in My Lady Jane Jane and Guildford in My Lady Jane Jane and Guildford in My Lady Jane

Part of the reason Jane pushes Guildford away for so long and refuses to give in to her desires is because she’s determined to get a divorce and reassert her freedom. A wrench is thrown in this plan when Jane is crowned Queen, and the couple is placed under scrutiny, but Jane maintains that despite their stolen kisses, she will help Guildford find a cure and then get her divorce. However, things are thrown into sharp relief after Mary attacks and nearly kills Jane, and Frances discovers that Guildford’s an Ethian, telling Jane she must get a divorce.

During these moments, Jane realizes she doesn’t want to be without Guildford and that the feelings she’s been harboring might be love. She runs to Guildford, finally reading to express herself, and is immediately met with fervor as he feels just as strongly towards her. What results is a sweet, passionate moment of intimacy and vulnerability as the pair consummate their relationship for the first time. Though Jane is hesitant and unsure of what to do, she’s just as passionate as Guildford, and he helps her through her anxieties, creating a safe place for them to discover each other.

2Their Reunion Before The Trial

Season 1, Episode 7, “Another Girl, Another Planet

Jane and Guildford in My Lady Jane Jane and Guildford in My Lady Jane
Jane and Guildford in My Lady Jane
Jane and Guildford in My Lady Jane

The period when Jane and Guildford are separated, when he leaves to find a cure, and Mary Dethrones Jane are some of the most emotionally taxing parts of the show. Immediately after they finally make love, they get into a terrible fight about the cure for Ethianism, and Guildford runs away. Since then, Jane has been in agony, worrying if Guildford is alive or dead, barely able to focus on her own coming trial and potential execution. However, Guildford escapes his captors and runs to Jane with every intention of saving her.

Though Jane is angry with Guildford for running away, they allow themselves a night of passion after being apart for so long.

Unfortunately, Jane knows that if she goes with Guildford, Mary will execute her family as they’re trapped at the palace. She urges Guildford to go and save himself, but before he goes, they share what they believe is their last night together. Though Jane is angry with Guildford for running away, they allow themselves a night of passion after being apart for so long. What’s tragic is that the next time they see each other, it’s under dire circumstances. However, this scene cements how true their bond is and how both of them would sacrifice anything to be together.

Emily Bader as Jane Grey is next to the My Lady Jane book cover.

Amazon Prime Video’s My Lady Jane adapts the popular historical fantasy YA book’s narrative for the big screen, making numerous changes to the story.

1The Escape From The Execution/Breaking The Curse

Season 1, Episode 8, “God Save The Queen”

Jane blindfolded in front of a crowd in My Lady Jane Guildford tied to a post in My Lady Jane Jane kissing a tied-up Guildford in My Lady Jane Jane standing in a fire in My Lady Jane

In the final episode of My Lady Jane, it seems all hope is lost for the young couple and the fate of England. Mary has locked Jane in the Tower of London after revealing that Guildford is an Ethian and condemning them both to death. While Jane has a few chances to escape, she can’t bring herself to make the moral consolations. The series climaxes with Jane’s head on the chopping block and Guildford tied up, about to be burnt at the stake. With no way out, the audience worries that this is the end for Jane and Guildford.

Luckily, Edward has rallied the Ethians to save them, and Susanna saves Jane in a touching moment of friendship. However, Mary orders the guards to set fire to the kindling surrounding Guildford, and Jane rushes across the rioting mob to save him. A great thing about the series is that it doesn’t capitulate to the traditional stereotype of the damsel in distress. Jane runs to Guildford’s aid, and he finds it within himself to break his curse and transform at will. They run off into the sunset together, leaving room for the next installment of their love story.