Eloise's 10 Best Quotes As Of Bridgerton Season Two Featured Image

Bridgerton became a huge hit after the first season was released on Netflix in 2020. From the stunning aesthetic to superb acting, viewers couldn’t help but fall in love with everything about the show. Fans are especially entertained by Bridgerton’s many dynamic characters.

Viewers enjoy watching Bridgerton’s characters navigate life during early and traditional 1800s society. While most of the characters abide by social expectations, one person stands out because she’s particularly averse to these traditions and isn’t afraid to speak her mind. Another great element of the Netflix series is Eloise’s witty dialogue.

10“Because She Is Simply Too Good To Be Anyone But A Man?”

Dinner with the duke in Netflix's Bridgerton

Eloise says the above quote when the Bridgertons have dinner with Simon and they discuss Lady Whistledown. The conversation includes what the writer’s possible circumstances are and who she could be. As everyone expresses their ideas, Colin suggests the possibility of Lady Whistledown being male.

Obviously irritated by Colin’s suggestion, Eloise holds him accountable for his underlying bias by scoffing at how he believes only a man could possess such talent. Overall, it’s one of Eloise’s many quotes that highlight the prominent sexism during the Regency era.

9“We Have Accomplishments To Acquire”

Eloise and Penelope walking in Netflix's Bridgerton

When Eloise goes for a walk with Penelope, Eloise rants about the things Daphne has achieved that are expected of women. Penelope responds by saying she knows someone who’s pregnant and unmarried.

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Both Eloise and Penelope don’t know how this situation could have happened and never want this to happen to them. Eloise nervously says that there are other things that need to be accomplished. The line indicates how isolated young women are, but it’s admirable that Eloise wants more for her life.

8“You’d Actually Have To Be Interesting For Me To Bother Spying On You”

Eloise and Benedict talking in Netflix's Bridgerton

One night, Eloise sits outside on a swing and is joined by Benedict. When she mentions that she saw him dispose of his sketchbook by tossing it into the fireplace, he accuses her of spying on him. Eloise then replies with the reassurance that he’d need to be an interesting person for that to be true.

This quote reflects the typical banter that often occurs amongst the Bridgerton siblings, which is always incredibly entertaining. Viewers are never disappointed by the lighthearted insults they frequently throw at each other.

7“After All, I Am A Bridgerton, So Therefore Your Mistress”

Mrs. Wilson in Netflix's Bridgerton

While trying to figure out Lady Whistledown’s identity in season 1, Eloise rummages through Mrs. Wilson’s room. When caught, Eloise asks why Mrs. Wilson has so many copies of the writer’s issues. Mrs. Wilson asks if she has to answer, but Eloise insists and uses her status as a Bridgerton as her reasoning.

Mrs. Wilson doesn’t appreciate this intrusion and, after confirming that she isn’t Lady Whistledown, tells Eloise to leave. The sentence summarizes Eloise’s first attempt at asserting dominance and being a sleuth.

6“I Believe It Was The Interruption That Was Perfection”

Eloise Queen's Diamond Selection in Netflix's Bridgerton

Just before it was Eloise’s turn to walk towards Queen Charlotte during the annual diamond-selection process, she was interrupted when the queen abruptly chose not to see anyone else. Eloise is then seen struggling with dance at home.

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Violet encourages Eloise to continue dancing, reinforcing how she must be perfect when seeing Queen Charlotte again after the interruption. Eloise seemed more than happy to be interrupted and expresses this. It represents her signature disdain for the event and anything related to women finding a match.

5“An Exploration Of Her Mind, A Mind Which, I Can Already Discern, Is Far, Far Superior To Yours”

Theo in Netflix's Bridgerton

After Eloise arrives at Chancery Lane Printers, where Lady Whistledown publishes her writing, Eloise comes across a worker named Theo. Eloise tries asking about Lady Whistledown but is met with hostility and assumptions involving gender-stereotypes.

Eloise fires back by saying that her reasons for wanting to meet Lady Whistledown are so they can have an intellectual conversation, perhaps about women’s rights. Eloise wants to discuss exploring a woman’s mind, which she thinks is superior to Theo’s. The quote is satisfying and part of an impressive rebuttal.

4“Has He Changed Since I Saw Him Last?”

Augie in Netflix's Bridgerton

In the episode, “A Bee in Your Bonnet,” Daphne brings her infant son, Augie, to the Bridgerton household so that he can visit his aunts, uncles, and grandmother. With nearly everyone fawning over Augie, Francesca tells Eloise to come see him.

Eloise exasperatedly asks if Augie’s changed at all since she last saw him. She does, however, walk over to greet her nephew. When Violet passes Augie over to Eloise, Eloise appears uncomfortable after he begins crying. It’s amusing to watch the awkwardness that Eloise experiences while handling babies.

3“Yet You Still Wonder Why You’re So Miserable”

Eloise and Penelope at the party in Netflix's Bridgerton

While Eloise speaks with other young ladies at a party that Violet hosts, the conversation’s topic covers men they’ve met. One character mentions that her mother is pushing her towards a much older man. Eloise asks why the ladies don’t just say “no.”

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The ladies reply by saying how they do everything their mothers tell them to do. Eloise incredulously remarks that, despite this circumstance, the ladies still don’t understand why they’re miserable. The comment further emphasizes Eloise’s general contempt for women her age and her determination to rebel.

2“What I Am Failing To Say Is That Often, When I Read Something New Or Interesting Or Provoking, It Is You Who Crosses My Mind”

Eloise and Theo in Netflix's Bridgerton

Using the commotion of Anthony and Edwina’s wedding as a distraction, Eloise takes the time to visit Theo once again. Viewers see Eloise show some vulnerability as she expresses how she honestly feels about him.

Everyone notices a refreshing and different side to Eloise. Although fans must wait for what happens next between them, Eloise finding camaraderie with someone is great to see. As of Bridgerton’s second season, both Theo and Eloise want more than friendship with each other.

1“It Sounded Written, Almost”

Eloise and Pen ball in Netflix's Bridgerton

After noticing Penelope speaking differently during a ball thrown by the Featheringtons, Eloise decides to search through her things. Penelope catches Eloise and they get into a heated exchange. Eloise, clearly infuriated, notes the way Penelope’s behaviors and thoughts consistently align with Lady Whistledown’s work.

Eloise reminds Penelope how she’s hurt people, while Penelope fires back by criticizing Eloise for only speaking about pursuing things rather than taking action. Penelope even expresses that Eloise must be jealous. This quote is significant as it seemingly marked the beginning of an end to a long-term friendship.