Between BBC’s Sherlock series, the Robert Downey Jr.-led Sherlock Holmes movies, and the Elementary show, the early 2010s saw a “Sherlock Holmes resurgence” in pop culture that made it seem like future theatrical movies were bound to happen. However, despite Downey Jr.’s massive Iron Man success and the solid returns of the first two films, Sherlock Holmes 3 never happened. A third movie was never officially ruled out, though, which is why I still had some hope that it could happen. Now, however, Sherlock Holmes 3 seems more difficult to happen than ever.
Guy Ritchie Is Directing A Young Sherlock Show For Amazon
Young Sherlock will have eight episodes
Guy Ritchie’s Young Sherlock Is Not A Prequel To The RDJ Movies
Young Sherlock is inspired by Andy Lane’s Young Sherlock Holmes books
Amazon’s Young Sherlock is inspired by Andy Lane’s Young Sherlock Holmes book series, which started in 2010 and currently consists of eight novels. All of the books take place in the late 19th century and follow the adventures of a young Sherlock Holmes, starting with a 14-year-old version of the character in Death Cloud (2010). The latest entry in the series, Night Break, was published in 2015. The Young Sherlock Holmes novels have nothing to do with 1985’s Young Sherlock Holmes, the American film that sees Holmes and Watson meet as teenagers in a boarding school.
Although Amazon’s official Young Sherlock announcement mentions Ritchie’s Sherlock Holmes movies when describing the director’s witty and charming style, there seems to be no connection between the upcoming series and the Robert Downey Jr.-led movies. Although I was initially surprised that Ritchie was stepping back into the world of Sherlock Holmes for a project that was not Sherlock Holmes 3, an adaptation of Young Sherlock Holmes helmed by Ritchie does sound promising. Curiously, in 2022, THR reported that Robert Downey Jr. was developing two Sherlock Holmes shows for HBO Max, but nothing has been said about these projects since.