Bridgerton season 3 sex scenes

The third season of our tumultuous marriage market is proving to be the most high stakes yet, and the steamiest on record! That’s right, the ‘ton is abuzz with balls, new dance moves, the latest fashions and all the trimmings needed to set the scene for love and hopefully marriage. Although this Bridgerton cycle revolves around Penelope (Nicola Coughlan) and Colin Bridgerton (Luke Newton), the theme of love flits around nearly every character, other Bridgertons included.

This time we see sparks fly between Pen and Colin, but also the newly minted Dowager Viscountess Violet Bridgerton (Ruth Gemmell) and a new mysterious arrival. Of course, the flames are still burning between the new Viscountess Bridgerton Kate (Simone Ashley) and Anthony (Jonathan Bailey), and we even get to see Francesca’s (Hannah Dodd) marriage market debut! It’s… interesting!

You may be familiar with our spicy content articles for seasons one and two of Bridgerton. If you’re not, be sure to check them out! If you are, don’t worry your cute little face, we got you! Let’s get into the steamiest moments of Bridgerton Season 3 Part 1!

UPDATE: Part 2 of season 3 dropped and it changes EVERYTHING!

Y’all, your girl was ready to be annoyed! I said in the Season 3 Part 1 recap that I was ready for some queer shenanigans and I was sick of Benedict (Luke Thompson) always being put in some vaguely homoerotic scenario and then innocently scampering away! Season 1 and Season 2 brought us great steaminess and Queen Charlotte did deliver a bittersweet queer storyline to warm our hearts on the side. While it was lovely, we still wanted to see some same-sex loving on the main feed! Yet another reason why queer Benny was so frustrating! But thankfully showrunner Jess Brownell said, JUST! YOU! WAIT! Did we get some Polin premarital? YES, henny! Did we some queer Benny, henny? YES, henny! Did we get the promise of future sapphic intrigue?! YES, HENNY! And I’m here for it! Happy PRIDE, indeed! Let’s get INTO IT!

17. The Bridgerton Bordello for Roguish Men

Colin has a threesomeCOURTESY OF NETFLIX

Season 3 Part 1, Episode 2 – 09:00

Listen, the Bridgerton men love to support sex workers and God love them for it, but I’m also kind of over the Bridgerton-era “lemme show you how much of a lover I am by how many brothels I can help renovate” sentiment. Especially while the ladies are too pure and chaste for words. Daphne learned how to masturbate and was scandalized beyond words! Anyhow, Colin beds two ladies. He’s so very cosmopolitan.

16. The Watcher

colin has another threesomeCOURTESY OF NETFLIX

Season 3 Part 1, Episode 4 – 14:30

Believing he has no chance with Pen, Colin decides to drown his sorrows in the Bridgerton favorite pastime, but his libido has other ideas. Unable to get into the mood, the ladies offer to put on a show for his viewing pleasure which he accepts though they’re hardly the women he wants to see. Still, good times.

15. He’s Incredibly, Incredibly Good Looking

Benedict gets busyCOURTESY OF NETFLIX

Season 3 Part 1, Episode 4 – 44:03

Oh Benedict (Luke Thompson), you have so many chances to not be boring and you miss them all! I said it! Benedict is such an odd duck. On one hand, sure, he’s very, very good looking, but on the other hand, he’s just kind of there. He can be kind of charming when he wants, but he seems to be completely aimless while forgetting much of his own storyline. At one point newcomer Lady Tilley Arnold (Hannah New) asks him directly if he’s an artist and he says “No” as though that wasn’t a huge arc for him last season!

Some of my ire may be reserved for the fact that I want queer Benny! I want him at least to broaden his horizons past the Bridgerton room at the local brothel. Currently he’s just lovely wallpaper and he could be so much more. Oh yeah, in this scene, he and Tilley finally dispense with the flirting and do the do. It’s… heterosexual.

14. The Featherington Filles Figure it Out

The featherington sisters learn about sexCOURTESY OF NETFLIX

Season 3 Part 1, Episode 2 – 41:20

As you can imagine, women’s health is pretty elusive in the ‘ton. When it’s discovered that Prudence (Bessie Carter) and Philippa (Harriet Cains) have very… alternative thoughts about exactly how to perform their “wifely duties” in order to produce a “male” heir, Portia (Polly Walker) finally ensures they know exactly how it’s done. Both seem to take to it, Philippa a bit more enthusiastically than Prudence, but it’s a welcome change that may affect their future and dispositions.

13. Sweet Dreams Are Made of This

Colin and Penelope kissCOURTESY OF NETFLIX

Season 3 Part 1, Episode 3 – 00.00

Near the end of Season 2 Colin Bridgerton declared, “I wouldn’t dream of courting Penelope Feathering!” and now he can’t get her out of his head! She’s haunting his dream, causing his every distraction and he might not be as upset about it as he originally thought. It marks the start of Colin’s pining for Pen and it’s well done especially for the amount of time that was given. Newton certainly sells it.

12. Honeymoon Ho-down!

Anthony and Kate get friskyCOURTESY OF NETFLIX

Season 3 Part 1, Episode 1 – 45:20

Kanthony take on the mantle of the only steaminess during the premiere episode! It’s used to good measure as they make a decision to take the next several weeks to keep it boning, I mean… babymaking, with an extended honeymoon! Then they decide to get an early start in the study, throwing all of the papers on the ground as they break in the desk. The family must be out for the day.

11. Sex Education

Anthony and kate get it onCOURTESY OF NETFLIX

It takes 26 minutes to get to any lovin’ and it’s interrupted by children and a dog, but we get to see Kate and Anthony in their post-honeymoon glow and it’s delightful! Though Anthony’s insistence that they ignore the family since what they’re currently doing is trying to start a family (and judging by the activity they’re actually doing… we know that ain’t right) is endearing, Kate thankfully ignores him. Great for the family, maybe not so great for us.

10. This Kiss, This Kiss…

Colin and Penelope share their first kissCOURTESY OF NETFLIX

Season 3 Part 1, Episode 2 – 47:30

Penelope’s dress has been ripped because of the duplicitous Cressida Cowper (Jessica Madsen) with her ex-best friend, Eloise (Claudia Jessie) standing by. She’s despondent, out of options with nothing to lose and out of equal parts f_cks and dignity. She throws all caution to the wind and asks Colin for a kiss, promising him it will mean nothing. He obliges, and it changes everything… for him.

9. In the Aftermath

Benedict, Paul and TilleyCOURTESY OF NETFLIX

Season 3 Part 2, Episode 8 – 22:40We finally see the glow of the aftermath (perhaps one of many) and Paul asks Benny why he loves high society. Benny responds he loves a good party, “Especially a party of 3”. It’s cute and recklessly sincere in that Benny way that we’ve all come to know. Unfortunately, it’s a look that’s new to Tilly, and her look makes me wonder if she’s not catching feelings and Benny isn’t getting ahead of himself… again.

8.  Gotta Rub Me the Right Way

Benedict, Paul and TilleyCOURTESY OF NETFLIX

Season 3 Part 2, Episode 8 – 19:30

Ok, seriously, what time is it? Are they in a genie bottle where time outside moves differently than time inside? What round are they on? What is on the camera lens that this shot is so blurry? Don’t answer that last question. Actually, you know what? Do answer that question! I need to know! I will note that I love Benny reaching out to Paul. It shows a trademark enthusiasm on his part and a complete lack of shame that only comes with being a male Bridgerton. He wants to experience everything to the fullest, even if they never actually get their pants off! (Or maybe they have and this is another time? What is time?!)

7. Almost Like No Time Has Past at All, Has It?

Benedict, Paul and TilleyCOURTESY OF NETFLIX

Season 3 Part 2, Episode 8 – 12:30

Dearest Readers, I admit to being more than a little flummoxed when this scene started. Did we go back in time? Is it a continuation of the last scene? Did Benny ever go home? Has Eleanore taken down her hair at all? I have questions and I will ask them after we are edged into another cut away! I’m willing to wait, Shonda, I’m willing to wait. But for how long?

6. Three’s Company Too

Benedict, Paul and TilleyCOURTESY OF NETFLIX

Season 3 Part 2, Episode 7 – 55:50

“Tilly, Paul and Benny sitting in a tree, P-O-L-Y-AMORY!” After giving Eleanor (Claudia Jessie) a thinly veiled lesson that Love is Love, Benedict, goes running after Tilly (Eleanor Guthrie… I mean, uhh, Hannah New) and Paul (Lucas Aurelio) to see what all the fuss over another man’s penis is about. What starts as a nearly chaste kiss in a ‘90s movie turns into a “go big or go home” move from Benedict which is very fun, but sadly short lived.

5. She is Such a Tyrant


Season 3 Part 2, Episode 8 – 1:02:45

Relax, Colin, Penelope got this. *grabs popcorn

4. Laying it All Out


Season 3 Part 2, Episode 7 – 27:30

I love you. Three simple words that can make a world of difference yet can be heard differently and in so many disparate ways. It’s funny that even back in Bridgerton days men had a problem with being wanted over being needed. While Colin tries to litigate the past and wonders how duplicitous Pen’s actions have really been, he begins to reveal the true insecurities of his ego. Finally Pen screams what she’s been screaming for the last three seasons: Penelope Featherington loves Colin Bridgerton! And she seals it with a heated kiss. For her it’s enough, he’s enough, and always has been. But is it enough for Colin?

3. Let’s Get it On


Season 3 Part 2, Episode 5 – 15:25

During the press cycle Nicola Coughlan teased that she would be getting very naked and neither she nor Newton disappoint. After getting very naked – and Penelope getting an eyeful – she lays on the chaise with a lovely teal cloth artfully draped along her nether regions. I’ll say, Shondaland has it down when it comes to artfully draped linens over tatties ‘n’ things! It’s truly a gift. We see it all, from the foreplay to the moment of insertion to the post coitus cuddle with nary a hair out of place! It’s a beautiful scene and one that was a long time coming for Polin stans and one deftly needed for those knowing some stormy weather was on the way!

2. Give Me Everything!

Colin and Penelope get busy in a carriageCOURTESY OF NETFLIX

Season 3 Part 1, Episode 4 – 47:10

Alright, dear readers, I’m going to lay my cards on the table. When it comes to Bridgerton, they have a habit of making matches I initially can’t stand and making them work for me. I’m still not the biggest fan of the Duke and Duchess, but as a fervent Anthony Bridgerton hater (he was so annoying in season 1, admit it!), I was flummoxed at how swiftly I would fight bees for him!

Well, Polin were not my first choice for this season and mainly because we’ve spent the last two seasons watching Penelope pine for Colin and also keep this excruciating secret about her identity hidden. Then with the fallout between her and Eloise (which Eloise is really milking, isn’t she?), I couldn’t justify the path forward between Colin and Penelope. Yes, the passion was growing, but was it enough? By that point, I felt maybe Penelope could have a cute romp with Colin and then settle down with Lord Debling (Sam Phillips)!

But where’s the angst in that!? So of course Colin’s antics break Debling and Pen off and Pen races from the ball in a carriage only to be chased down by a frantic Colin who boards her carriage (ahem) and declares that he wants more. In fact, he wants everything. Pen agrees and they kiss as the Archer Marsh violin cover of “Give Me Everything” plays in the background. Except this time we don’t get a tasteful cut away, this time, well, things go digital. Uhh, let’s say, Penelope learns to drive a manual transmission. Desert Eagle in the backseat! Driver roll up the partition please! It’s very horny and we are thankful.

1. Sweet Lady (ok we know this is a cheat… but, so what!)

Francesca and MichaelaCOURTESY OF NETFLIX

Season 3 Part 2, Episode 8 – 1:01:42

Now wait a minute! In the final moments Shonda’s gonna knock us out with a 1-2 switcheroo? As John Stirling aka Lord Kilmartin (Victor Alli) searches for his cousin to introduce to Eloise, my spidey sense wonders if we’re finally going to get some clue to a match for Eloise nestled in the Scottish highlands. Color me surprised when it’s no other than Franscesca (Hannah Dodd) who gets all flustered at the sight of Michaela Stirling (Masali Baduza)! And after seeing Michaela? Franny, girl, we get it! Of course with the ever shady Lady Whistledown (Julie Andrews) narrating on all of our behalf “Dearest Gentle Readers, I find myself suddenly at a loss for words” it’s not wonder this scene, though not explicit in nature, took the top spot for the many possibilities it conjured in the imagination!

Well that’s it, gentle readers! Shonda really put us through this season and we are ready for more! I never know how she’s going to top the last, but I can’t wait to rewatch these seasons over and over to speculate how. Until next time, signing off. Yours Truly, Stacey Yvonne Bridgerton.