The Umbrella Academy provides more insight into Nick Offerman’s season 4 role. Offerman makes his series debut in the final season of the popular show, in which he plays a member of a mysterious organization known as the Keepers within the new timeline that the Hargreeves children find themselves in. The Umbrella Academy season 3 ended with the titular group trapped in this new timeline without their powers, with Reginald Hargreeves (Colm Feore) and his wife Abigail Hargreeves (Liisa Repo-Martell) alive in this reality as well.

A new video from Still Watching Netflix titled “The Umbrella Effect PSA” offers a closer look at Offerman’s character, the beliefs of the Keepers, along with Reginald’s significant influence in this timeline. Check out the video below:

Offerman’s character introduces himself as Dr. Gene Thibedeau, alongside his wife, Dr. Jean Thibedeau (Megan Mullally), as they interrupt Reginald’s advertising to spread their message about the “Umbrella Effect,” which they claim is experiencing déjà vu or memories from another timeline. Gene claims that “the powers that be” are suppressing this knowledge from the masses, but the Keepers know the truth.

Why The Keepers Are Important In The Umbrella Academy’s Final Season

The Keepers may pose a great threat.

Justin H Min as Ben unleashing tentacles in The Umbrella Academy season 4.

As bumbling and overdramatic as Offerman and Mullally’s characters seem, the Keepers will likely prove to be genuinely dangerous given the knowledge they possess and the lengths they are willing to go.

Taken out of context, the Keepers sound like an organization founded on extreme conspiracies as they claim only their organization knows the truth and will do what is necessary to expose it. Despite this and the delightful comedy Offerman and Mullally bring to the video, the Keepers do know a vital truth, and could become a dangerous force in The Umbrella Academy season 4. They may not only be a threat to the Umbrella Academy, but to Reginald himself, as they cut into his advertising to spread their message, and challenge the authority in their timeline, which Reginald seemingly controls.

Pictures from the childhoods of the Umbrella Academy and Sparrow Academy, a VHS case for a movie Allison Hargreeves (Emmy Raver-Lampman) starred in, and the term “Umbrella Effect” prove that the Keepers know more than they should about the Hargreeves children and their impact on various timelines. The Keepers’ mission to restore their own timeline is somewhat reminiscent of the Commission, an organization dedicated to overseeing and controlling all the timelines. With The Umbrella Academy season 3 revealing Five (Aidan Gallagher) as the Commission’s founder, the Keepers could potentially factor into the history behind the Commission.

Five being the founder of the Commission still needs to be further explained, especially given his history of working for and being hunted by the Commission.

If the Keepers pose a threat to Reginald and the Hargreeves children, this common enemy could bring them closer together despite their tense and complicated history. As bumbling and overdramatic as Offerman and Mullally’s characters seem, the Keepers will likely prove to be genuinely dangerous given the knowledge they possess and the lengths they are willing to go. With only six episodes and as The Umbrella Academy‘s final season, the Keepers are poised to play an integral role in the series’ endgame.