10 Darkest Harry Potter Details You Blissfully Ignored When You Were YoungerImage credit: Warner Bros.

Many common things in the Wizarding World are unbelievably evil if you think about them for more than two seconds.

10. Traditionalism and Isolation Lead to Damnation

In the past, wizards waged a war against Muggles — and, seeing how they have to hide these days, lost it. But instead of studying Muggles afterwards, wizards completely isolated from them to indulge in their traditionalism, resulting in their self-proclaimed “superior” society lagging far behind the Muggle world in everything.

9. Muggle Murders at Least Used to Be Common

There’s one dead (pun intended) giveaway that at least in the past, wizards used to slaughter Muggles in the public. Muggles only know one real Wizarding World spell, and it’s “abracadabra” — or Avada Kedavra. This implies that wizards have killed off so many Muggles with that curse that it became an integral part of their culture.

8. Education Is Useless and Purposefully Broken

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There’s no conceivable way to explain the educational system in the Wizarding World. Well, there’s only one: malicious intent. Kids are marinating at home until they’re 11, and then, they’re exclusively taught spells, potions, and other magical stuff. None of them know natural sciences or can count beyond 1000, we bet.

7. Justice System Is Meant for Anything but Justice

Another major system that just doesn’t work in the Wizarding World, the justice system for mages executes anything but justice. With so many tools to learn the truth, from Veritaserum to the Imperious Curse, they use none of them — and instead of catching real criminals, the courts send innocent folks to Azkaban.

6. Identity Theft Is Rampant and Privacy Doesn’t Exist

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Between Polyjuice Potions that apparently can be brewed by 12-year-olds, Tracking charms, Invisibility Cloaks, and other ways to steal, hide, or track one’s identity, there’s no privacy in the Wizarding World. Your identity can be easily stolen, and if you’ve misplaced your wand, even Gringotts will open its doors before the culprit.

5. Kids’ Lives Are Worthless & Used for Entertainment

The Triwizard Tournament immediately pops to mind, doesn’t it? Imagine that there are three (!!!) Ministries of Magic that thought about it and decided that makeshift Hunger Games involving teenagers every four years are a great idea. We’re not even talking about all the dangerous magic and creatures at Hogwarts for once.

4. Racism Is Embedded into the Wizarding Culture

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Wizards are unbelievably racist, and not just to one or two groups — to everyone. Sentient magical beings like Centaurs and Merepeople; civilized races like Goblins and House Elves; Muggles and Muggleborn wizards… Everyone gets an unhealthy dose of hatred in the Wizarding World because racism is just so embedded into it.

3. Slavery Is an Everyday Norm for the Wizards

Speaking of racism, we immediately have slavery. House Elves have been magically forced to serve wizarding clans for centuries if not millenia, and everyone but Hermione Granger is perfectly chill with that! There’s an entire race of sentient and kind beings enslaved, and even “good” wizards envy those who have such slaves.

2. Crimes Are Ridiculously Easy to Pull Off

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In the Wizarding World, there are countless perfect tools for any aspiring criminal, helping them both commit a crime and hide it forever. Sexual assault must be absolutely rampant there, too: with Love Potions being legal, concealing the assault for good afterwards only requires using a simple Memory Charm. It’s terrifying.

1. Wizards Deliberately Destroy Human Souls

Muggles can’t know for sure if souls even exist, but wizards do. There are ghosts, living portraits, Horcruxes, and the Resurrection Stone — so wizards absolutely do know that humans have souls and the afterlife is real. And what do they do with that information? They employ Dementors to destroy those souls, robbing people of the afterlife! This is perhaps the most monstrous aspect of the Wizarding World.