Bridgerton book carriage scene

With the third season of Bridgerton romance in action, Polin lovers will be taken by surprise to find out that the steamy carriage scene that went down between Penelope and Colin was far more explict and raunchy in the book.

If you steamrolled through the first four episodes as quickly as I did and need yourself some more Polin then picking up a copy of the Bridgerton book might be your best move as Netflix actually dampened down the carriage scene for the show.

For those who have read Romancing Mister Bridgerton – it will be no surprise to you that the carriage scene depicted between Penelope and Colin is vastly different from the show. The romance between Pen and Colin unfolds in the fourth book in the series revealing that Penelope is Lady Whistledown, a fact that the viewers learnt earlier last season.

According to Cosmopolitan the book shows that the carriage scene actually takes place after Colin finds out about Penelope’s betrayal as Lady Whistledown.

The scene starts out because Colin follows Pen out to confront her, in which they end up kissing mid-argument with Colin telling Pen how beautiful she is after she calls herself an “ugly duckling”. Unlike what was shown in the show, Penelope’s dress was taken off and Collin touched her nipples passionately.

It continues with Colin unable to contain himself, saying”I want to strip you bare and sink into you and never let you go” before he continues to make his way down south.

On arrival at the Bridgerton residence, like in the show, Colin asks his driver if he will continue their journey – they both laugh, catching their breath and share one last kiss before Colin pops the question to Pen. Two engagements in one night, what a queen.

Whether Pen says yes or not is something that we will have to wait for until June 13th to find out. Sigh Netflix.