The Umbrella Academy is ending with its fourth season, and there are key things to remember from season 3 before watching the show’s final episodes. The Umbrella Academy arrived on Netflix at a time when dark superheroes were becoming popular. With its blend of action, drama, and a unique sense of humor, The Umbrella Academy quickly won the audience over, building a solid and loyal fanbase that followed the Hargreeves through three apocalypses and many shocking reveals. The Umbrella Academy season 4 has some big questions to answer, mostly left by season 3 and its surprising (and dark) ending.

The Umbrella Academy season 3 saw another apocalypse that the Umbrellas (and some of the Sparrows) couldn’t stop, and to make it worse, their father, Reginald (Colm Feore), tricked them for his benefit. What Reginald wanted was to reset the timeline and bring to life one designed by him, but he wasn’t counting on the strong bond between his adopted children. The Umbrella Academy season 4 will see the Hargreeves and Lila in a new timeline ruled by Reginald, but there are other key moments to remember before the show’s end.

Umbrella academy ben pictures of jennifer allison reginald

The Umbrella Academy season 3 ends on another almighty cliffhanger. What questions and mysteries are left for Netflix’s Umbrella Academy season 4?

10Only Two Members Of The Sparrow Academy Survived The Apocalypse

The Umbrella Academy Met The Sparrow Academy

The Umbrella Academy the Sparrow Academy in the shadows
Genesis Rodriguez as Sloan standing in her uniform in The Umbrella Academy season 3. Justin H. Min as Ben in the mansion in The Umbrella Academy season 4 The Umbrella Academy's Sparrow Ben working out.

The Umbrella Academy is no stranger to cliffhanger endings, and the one in season 2 saw the Hargreeves returning to their present year but in another timeline. There they found Reginald alive and well, who adopted seven other superpowered children (including Ben, who he didn’t know about in the 1960s) to form the Sparrow Academy. As expected, the Umbrellas and Sparrows didn’t get along, and the latter even kidnapped Luther as they believed the Umbrellas had their Number 1, Marcus, who actually disintegrated when he found the Kugelblitz.

Only two Sparrow members made it to Hotel Oblivion and saved themselves from the end of the world: Ben (Justin H. Min) and Sloane (Genesis Rodríguez).

The Kugelblitz, a time anomaly caused by the Umbrellas’ arrival to that timeline, caused the apocalypse in season 3, and it slowly consumed objects and people, including some of the Sparrows, while others were killed by Harlan. At the end of The Umbrella Academy season 3, only two Sparrow members made it to Hotel Oblivion and saved themselves from the end of the world: Ben (Justin H. Min) and Sloane (Genesis Rodríguez).

9Reginald Killed Luther Before The Apocalypse (But He Came Back In The New Timeline)

Luther’s Death Was Necessary For Reginald’s Plan

The Umbrella Academy 3 Reginald and Luther staring at each other The Umbrella Academy season 3 Reginald looking at Luther after killing him The Umbrella Academy season 3 Luther's dead body in the White buffalo suite The Umbrella Academy season 3 Sloane crying over Luther's dead body

Reginald killed Luther and blamed it on the Guardian.

When it was clear that they wouldn’t be able to save the world this time, Reginald explained the role of Hotel Oblivion and that he needed seven of them to go to the hotel and ring seven bells protected by a Guardian. Seeing that the world was ending and considering the risks of Reginald’s plan, Allison (Emmy Raver-Lampman), Lila (Ritu Arya), Klaus (Robert Sheehan), and Ben agreed to Reginald’s plan, but Diego (David Castañeda), Viktor (Elliot Page), Luther (Tom Hopper), Sloane, and Five (Aidan Gallagher) outvoted them to stay for the end of the world.

As that would have left Reginald with only four people to ring the bells, Reginald killed Luther and blamed it on the Guardian. That way, Reginald forced the rest to cross the tunnel into Hotel Oblivion and carry on with his plan, but he had one more betrayal up his sleeve before the world was destroyed. However, Luther returned in the new timeline at the end of The Umbrella Academy season 3.

8Reginald Tried To Kill Klaus During The Apocalypse (But He Resurrected)

Reginald Used Klaus & Betrayed Him

The Umbrella Academy season 3 Klaus surprised taking to Reginald The Umbrella Academy season 3 Klaus surprised on the floor of the White Buffalo suite The Umbrella Academy season 3 Klaus dead on the White buffalo The Umbrella Academy season 3 Klaus lying on the floor of Hotel Oblivion

Klaus learned he had the power of resurrection and thus was pretty much immortal.

To everyone’s surprise, Klaus and Reginald bonded in The Umbrella Academy season 3, more so after Klaus learned the Sparrows had been keeping Reginald medicated to make him docile. After being accidentally killed by Stan, Klaus learned he had the power of resurrection and thus was pretty much immortal, something Reginald became fascinated with. Reginald trained Klaus by repeatedly killing him so he learned to resurrect quicker and quicker, which ended up coming in handy for Klaus in the apocalypse.

Klaus was the last one to run to the tunnel that connected to Hotel Oblivion, but Reginald stopped him and pushed him back, telling him he was too much of a liability. Reginald closed the door and left Klaus in the apocalypse, but to ensure that he would go to the afterlife and thus could come back to life, Klaus threw himself onto the horn of the white buffalo and killed himself. In the afterlife, Klaus found Luther, and they talked about Reginald’s betrayal before Klaus returned to life to expose Reginald to his siblings.

7Allison Made A Mysterious Deal With Reginald

Allison Turned Into A Traitor

Umbrella academy season 3 allison reginald deal Emmy Raver-Lampman as Allison Hargreeves and Aidan Gallagher as Five Arguing in The Umbrella Academy Season 3

During Luther’s wedding, a drunk Five overheard Reginald making a deal with someone in the White Buffalo room.

When the Umbrellas arrived in the Sparrow timeline, Allison was excited about reuniting with her daughter, Claire, but to her surprise, she wasn’t Claire’s mother in this timeline. This sent Allison into a spiral of grief and rage, which led her to do horrible things in The Umbrella Academy season 3, such as killing Harlan and using her powers to force herself on Luther. During Luther’s wedding, a drunk Five overheard Reginald making a deal with someone in the White Buffalo room, and it wasn’t until later, now sober, that he realized it was Allison.

umbrella academy season 3 allison luther scene

When Allison uses her powers on Luther in The Umbrella Academy, she forces Luther to kiss her. This violation is disgusting and was not handled well.

The details of Allison’s deal with Reginald were never revealed, but she was the only one spared when Reginald used the rest to power the timeline machine. At the end of The Umbrella Academy season 3, when they all arrived at the new timeline, Allison had Claire and her husband from the 1960s, Ray, so it’s understood this was part of the plan, but what exactly was that she agreed to do to get it is unclear.

6Reginald Used His Children To Power The Machine In Hotel Oblivion

Hotel Oblivion Housed A Powerful Machine

The Umbrella Academy season 3 ending the Hargreeves powering the machine and dying
Five walking around Hotel Oblivion in The Umbrella Academy season 3 The Umbrella Academy season 3 ending the Hargreeves dying The Umbrella Academy season 3 ending Viktor dying while powering the machine The Umbrella Academy season 3 ending Viktor agonizing trying to use his powers

Reginald explained there was a portal through which the timeline could be reset, and he built Hotel Oblivion around it.

Reginald earned most of the Umbrellas’ trust, but it was part of his plan as he needed seven of the superpowered kids to power a machine in Hotel Oblivion. Reginald explained there was a portal through which the timeline could be reset, and he built Hotel Oblivion around it. As the Kugelblitz consumed Hotel Obsidian, Reginald took the surviving Umbrellas and Sparrows (and Lila) to Hotel Oblivion, where he summoned the Guardians. The group defeated the Guardians while they looked for a seven-fold symbol.

Five (whose arm was severed while fighting the Guardians), spotted a seven-star symbol on the lobby floor, and Reginald forced them (except Allison) to step on them. This was the key to activating the machine, as it was powered by the marigolds inside Lila, the Umbrellas, and Sparrows. This process was killing Lila and the Hargreeves, prompting a last-minute change in Allison.

5Allison Killed Reginald & Reset The Timeline

Allison Had A Change Of Heart At The Last Minute

The Umbrella Academy Season 3 Reginald death Emmy Raver-Lampman as Allison Hargreeves standing in front of light projections in The Umbrella Academy Season 3 Finale allison with claire umbrella academy season 3 The Umbrella Academy season 3 ending Allison shocked as the machine is powered

Allison went through a controversial change in The Umbrella Academy season 3 that made her one of the villains of the season (along with Reginald, of course). Since season 1, Allison had been trying to be more present for Claire as her ex-husband had her custody, and the apocalypse and her time in the 1960s continued to keep her away from her. It’s understandable, then, that Allison struggled with grief and rage when she realized Claire wasn’t her daughter in the Sparrow timeline, though that doesn’t justify her horrible actions.

Allison didn’t know the machine would take her siblings’ (and Lila, Ben, and Sloane’s) marigolds and kill them.

As mentioned above, the terms of her deal with Reginald weren’t revealed, but she honored the deal up until Reginald powered the machine. Allison didn’t know the machine would take her siblings’ (and Lila, Ben, and Sloane’s) marigolds and kill them, so she killed Reginald before he could finish the timeline reset. Allison asked her siblings to trust her one final time and she reset the timeline, but she was the only one who got what she wanted.

4Five Learned He Was The Founder Of The Commission

Five & Lila Made A Shocking Discovery

Young Five and Lila looking at old Five in The Umbrella Academy season 3 Umbrella Academy season 3 Five and Lila using their powers Umbrella Academy season 2 young and old Five
Five looking confused in The Umbrella Academy

Five and Lila teamed up to solve the time paradox and traveled together to the headquarters of The Commission.

One of the biggest reveals in The Umbrella Academy season 3 was that Five was the founder of The Commission. This was the organization that oversaw and managed the space-time continuum, and so they made sure that all events that were supposed to happen happened. At the end of The Umbrella Academy season 2, there was a coup at The Commission and Herb was chosen as the interim Chair until a new Board could be elected. Unfortunately, The Commission didn’t last long after that.

In season 3, Five and Lila teamed up to solve the time paradox and traveled together to the headquarters of The Commission. Five and Lila found The Commission in ruins, and there was an old man with a cryptic tattoo and a missing arm inside a breathing chamber. This man was the founder of The Commission and an elderly future version of Five, but The Umbrella Academy didn’t go further into why and how Five founded this organization.

the umbrella academy season 3 five reveal

The Umbrella Academy season 3 has a reveal about Aidan Gallagher’s Five that falls flat and feels more hollow the longer you look at it.

3Reginald & His Wife Are Alive In The New Timeline

Reginald Brought His Wife Back To Life

Umbrella Academy Season 3 Ending Reginald Hargreeves The Umbrella Academy season 3 Abigail in a chamber on the moon Umbrella Academy Reginald and marigolds The Umbrella Academy's Reginald Hargreeves (Colm Feore) sitting in a chair and talking to someone offscreen  The Umbrella Academy season 4 Reginald Hargeeves in blue light

The Umbrella Academy season 3 revealed that Reginald was keeping Abigail’s body in a chamber on the dark side of the moon.

As with most of the things Reginald has done throughout The Umbrella Academy, his timeline reset was for his own benefit. Season 1 revealed that Reginald’s wife, Abigail, was dying while their home planet was being destroyed. This prompted Reginald to release the marigolds that would go on to create the 43 children, and he gave Abigail’s violin to Viktor many years later. The Umbrella Academy season 3 revealed that Reginald was keeping Abigail’s body in a chamber on the dark side of the moon, and there was a reason for that.

Reginald reset the timeline to bring to life one designed by him, and it’s understood that he gave Allison her daughter and her 1960s husband as part of their deal. In Reginald’s new timeline, he’s the wealthiest and most powerful man and no longer hides himself as the eccentric billionaire and scientist he was in other timelines. Another big changein his timeline is that Abigail is alive and well, so he, just like Allison, got what he wanted.

2The Hargreeves Are Powerless In The New Timeline

The Hargreeves Realized They No Longer Have Their Powers

The Umbrella Academy season 3 ending elevator scene The Umbrella Academy season 3 ending Luther coming out of the elevator The Umbrella Academy season 3 ending confused Five with Ben behind him
The Umbrella Academy season 3 season 3 ending Luther threatening a confused Five

The Hargreeves and Lila made a horrible discovery: they no longer have their powers.

The new timeline in The Umbrella Academy took everyone by surprise, both viewers and characters. Not only are Reginald and Abigail alive and well in this timeline and Reginald is the most powerful man, but the Hargreeves and Lila made a horrible discovery: they no longer have their powers. First off, Luther appeared after being killed by Reginald before the apocalypse, so it’s unknown if it was thanks to Allison or if his return was part of Reginald’s plan. Luther appeared with his normal, human body after having an ape-like torso for years.

Five’s arm also regenerated, as did Diego’s cut fingers, but this came at the price of his powers. Now completely powerless, the Hargreeves and Lila parted ways, and the trailers for The Umbrella Academy season 4 showed that they all moved on with their lives, finally having a taste of what a “normal” life would be like.

The Umbrella Academy Season 4 Final Trailer

The cast of The Umbrella Academy season 3

Time-travel plays a huge part in The Umbrella Academy, resulting in a messy web of different timelines. Here’s a handy breakdown of each of them.

1Luther Married Sloane (& She’s Missing In The New Timeline)

Sloane Is Nowhere To Be Found

Umbrella academy season 3 sloane and luther Umbrella Academy season 3 Sloane Sparrow The Umbrella Academy Sloane and Luther's wedding officiated by Klaus The Umbrella Academy season 3 Luther and Sloane dancing at their wedding umbrella academy season 3 happy ending

The Umbrella Academy season 3 finally gave Luther a healthy romance and allowed him to get over Allison as he fell in love with Sloane.

Luther has gone through a lot of much-needed character development after season 1, going from the most disliked member of the Umbrella Academy to a fan favorite. The Umbrella Academy season 3 finally gave him a healthy romance and allowed him to get over Allison as he fell in love with Sloane. Their romance helped bring together both teams, but Reginald also took advantage of it by killing Luther to bring Sloane and the rest into Hotel Oblivion.

Sloane’s absence is a mystery, as it’s unknown if she exists in the new timeline, if she was erased by Allison, or if she’s somewhere else.

Luther and Sloane got married before the apocalypse, and the audience went through a double heartbreak with them: first when Reginald killed Luther and later when Sloane didn’t appear in the new timeline. Sloane’s absence is a mystery, as it’s unknown if she exists in the new timeline, if she was erased by Allison, or if she’s somewhere else, perhaps living a different life and with no memory of Luther and the events of The Umbrella Academy season 3.