bridgerton season 3

My heart and brain are still trying to make sense of the different themes in Bridgerton Season 3, but I just can’t shut about it. I’ve been anticipating it since watching the last episode of Queen Charlotte and I genuinely think I’m unwell. Am I the only one who doesn’t know how their heart has been able to stand Bridgerton Season 3 Part 2? Maybe we should all try to reach out to Shonda Rhimes to see why she decided to toy with our emotions like this.

Here’s the recap of everything you may have missed during BridgertonSeason 3! Spoilers ahead!!


Eloise Seems Uneasy In Her Newfound Friendship With Cressida

bridgerton season 3 recap claudia jessie jessica madsen luke thompson

Let’s rip the bandaid off on this Bridgerton season 3 summary and talk about Eloise’s (Claudia Jessie) budding friendship with Cressida (Jessica Madsen). I completely understand that she’s carrying hurt from finding out that Nicola Coughlan’s Penelope is Lady Whistledown, but I have a hard time believing Cressida is the first person she finds trustworthy — especially after how horrible Cressida has been to Penelope the whole series. We know secrets are rampant among the ton, but I can’t help but wonder if Eloise chose to be friends with Cressida merely to hurt Penelope’s feelings.

What I can say is that Cressida appears to be making a thinly veiled attempt at being a better person and that her cruel instincts may be the result of living with her parents. Eloise on the other hand is grappling with her own inner turmoil, especially as it relates to her former friendship with Penelope.

I guess in a roundabout way their friendship makes sense because they’re both in new territory, but time will tell if it’s one based on genuine love and respect.

Violet Bridgerton Is Trying To Gauge Francesca’s Interest In Being The Diamond of the Season

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It seems that Violet Bridgerton learned her lesson when it comes to meddling in the affairs of her children since she may have pushed Eloise too far. But that doesn’t mean she doesn’t want the best for them.

I believe she wants all her children to have a love like she had with their father Edmund, but she’s slowly realizing that all she can do is give pointers and advice. But sometimes, hard nudges are needed (and don’t we all know it!). In Francesca’s (Hannah Dodd) case, it seems like she’s definitely more of an introvert, and is content with pursuing passions she’s interested in. However, I do believe she feels something for Lord Kilmartin.

Violet Bridgerton Seems Ready For Her Garden to Be Tended to By Lord Anderson

bridgerton season 3 harriet cains luke thompson

Speaking of gauging one’s interests, Violet seems to be smitten with Lady Danbury’s brother Lord Anderson. With the way he delicately picked up the satin glove she dropped and how she gingerly accepted his kindness, it’s clear! The more they begin talking, the more Lady Danbury’s uneasiness about their flirting begins to show.

She’s clearly not a fan and I have a feeling there’s more to Lord Anderson than meets the eye.

The Mondrichs Are Trying To Adjust To Joining the Ton

bridgerton season 3 recap

Naomi and Will Mondrich are suddenly thrust into the ton’s eye when their son receives an inheritance & the title of baron from an aunt. They’re suddenly whisked away to a sprawling estate that has plenty of room for their family to spread out, but they’re having a hard time adjusting to their new wealth and status.

Also, it’s a little odd that they’re not sleeping in the same room. But, they decide to make the best of things even if that means introducing their own flair.

Portia Featherington is Still Trying to Secure Her Girls’ Future

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Ah, a mother’s work is never done — at least not if you ask Portia Featherington. After realizing that her inheritance lie from season 2 (you know, the one that falsely confirmed the Featherington fortune could pass to a female descendant) may not hold off suspicions, she implores her two eldest daughters, played by Bessie Carter and Harriet Cains, to procreate and birth to a son. This wouldn’t be such a task if her daughters and their husbands were actively doing things beyond kissing.

So, she sets off to make sure one of them produces a son. As luck would have it, Prudence announces she’s pregnant towards the end of episode four! We’ll have to wait and see if she’ll have a son though. Let’s hope Portia’s hard work pays off in Bridgerton Season 3 Part 2!

Lord Debling Was Actually Interested In Penelope

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Personally, I think Lord Debling feels…refreshing. He’s a little put off by the intensity of being chosen by so many women and elects to stand near Penelope. As they begin chatting, it’s easy to see they’re actually getting along quite well, and that Penelope’s charm is shining and she’s not overly nervous for once.

The issue is that Cressida is also interested in Lord Debling and is doing everything she can to steal his attention — even if that means lying to get her way.

Colin May Have Always Had Deep Feelings For Penelope

bridgerton season 3 summary

I have so many thoughts about Colin and his conflicted feelings, but I’ll keep it simple: he has a thing for Penelope and can’t stand the thought of another man being the object of her affections. The moment he realizes she’s truly a charming woman who has her own mind, he can’t stop stop thinking or dreaming about her. Also, casual sex suddenly feels…boring.

I wonder if he’s always felt something for her despite his previous nasty comments about her. Peer pressure can be a b—ch so I hope that’s all that was (even if it’s still despicable). But, he finally confesses how much he cares for Penelope and decides that, yes, she will be his wife instead of Lord Debling’s.

That sounds great, but I’m super worried about how he’ll react when he finds out she’s Lady Whistledown.

Colin Put Portia Featherington In Her Place

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I’m all for Portia Featherington trying to look out for her girls, but let’s not pretend that she’s allowed Penelope to truly flourish. Seeing Colin storm in as Portia was trying to berate her youngest daughter’s engagement to him was so satisfactory. When he said, “I proposed to her out of love, nothing less. And were you not so narrowly concerned over your own standing, you might see that Penelope is the most eligible amongst you,” I practically screamed.

Colin Talked Penelope Through Her First Time Having Sex

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I tried to ignore this, but Colin is the definition of “I’m going to talk you through it” during sex. He made sure Penelope was comfortable and even explained how it would briefly feel as he, uh, parted her sea.

He was gentle and attentive which are all things that matter when being intimate with someone. However, he applied pressure when it was called and that’s equally important.

That’s all I have to say about that.

Cressida’s Lady Whistledown Declaration Leads To A Friendship Breakup With Eloise

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I know some people were rooting for Cressida because she’s been serving beauty and fashion, but her selfishness always precedes any forgiving moments she has. When the hunt for Lady Whistledown commences, she declares that she’s the one who’s been keeping the Ton on their toes.

This makes Eloise literally recoil at the idea of being friends with her (finally) and she decides to begin working with Penelope to undo Cressida’s declaration. However, there’s a reason Cressida did this. I truly believe she despised the idea of having to be married to Lord Greer, a much older gentleman, who immediately began telling her what he did and didn’t want her to do as his wife.

Portia Expresses Her Love To Penelope

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It seems that Portia has been thinking about what Colin told her because she eventually issues a heartfelt apology to Penelope. She regrets overlooking her youngest daughter for so long in order to secure the family’s position in society and expresses how hard it’s been being a mother.

This leads Penelope to recognize the similarities she shares with her mother and the scene ends with them tenderly looking at each other.

Benedict Decides He’d Rather Be Free Than Defined By Society’s Labels

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In true middle child fashion, Benedict is at a point where he wants to explore what it feels to be free. Unlike his siblings who have found love in a singular marriage, all he wants to do is continue living a life where he doesn’t feel boxed in. He even tells Tilley (Hannah New) that she helped him see this after their unconventional sexual encounters.

Penelope Stands Up For Herself In Front Of The Ton

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In an extremely daring move, Penelope decides to stand up to not only Queen Charlotte, but to the rest of the Ton. She literally admits to being Lady Whistledown, admits her missteps, and owns who she is. It takes great courage to do so and I believe it’s something that’s always lived deep within Penelope.

She just needed encouragement to believe in herself and perhaps give others permission to do the same.

Colin And Penelope Are Parents

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Thank God, the season ended on such a high note! The Featherington family has an addition of three little ones, including Colin and Penelope’s son! Who would’ve ever suspected that it would be Penelope to bear the heir that was needed for the Featherington’s to truly secure their future?

I’m so happy that Pen finally got the happy ending that she so honestly deserves. Penelope Bridgerton is such a fitting name for her.