Image Collage of Snape, Dumbledore, and Draco

From the moment Severus Snape was introduced in Harry Potter, he was viewed through Harry’s eyes as a villain. Harry obviously reminded Snape of his father, James, who had bullied and tormented Severus all throughout their time at Hogwarts together. But there was far more to Snape’s story than anyone could have ever guessed. It was known throughout the story that Snape was a double agent, working for Dumbledore and reporting the Dark Lord’s movements while feeding Voldemort as much information as he could about the opposition. However, there were a lot of people who didn’t believe Snape was actually loyal to Hogwarts’ headmaster, including Harry and his friends.

One of his most vile acts of betrayal in Harry’s eyes was the outright murder of Albus Dumbledore — in fact, even fans were left angry and confused about this incident. Right up until the last moments of his life, Severus Snape treated Harry with disdain because of his resemblance to James Potter. Underneath his outward animosity was a fiercely protective ally that Harry had no idea was there. There were a lot of unknowns when it came to the Potions Professor, including why Snape killed Dumbledore, and the answers to those mysteries were downright surprising.

Updated on May 10, 2024 by Jenny Melzer: All throughout Harry Potter’s story, it’s hard for fans to trust Dumbledore’s many reassurances that Snape is an ally. When Snape cast the killing curse against Hogwarts’ headmaster in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, it all but confirmed that Harry and his friends had been right about Snape all along. What the Golden Trio didn’t realize, however, was that there was a purpose behind Snape’s actions that none of them would find out about until it was far too late. This article has been updated to adhere to CBR’s most recent standards for formatting, as well as to further explore Snape’s setup for villainy, and how it led to everyone believing that he’d been fooling everyone all along.

It Was Difficult For Harry To Believe Snape Was Anything Other Than A Villain

No Matter How Often Dumbledore Reassured Harry, He Never Recognized Snape As An Ally

Between Professor Snape and Albus Dumbledore, Harry had a full arsenal watching his back while he was at school, though he had no idea the brooding Potions Master was on his side. From the moment Harry spied Snape across the dining hall his first day at Hogwarts, he sensed the teacher’s disdain as they locked eyes. As the school year launched into action, it quickly became clear that Snape held some prejudice against Harry. He mocked Harry’s status as a ‘celebrity’ regularly, believing the boy had no regard for anyone else and deserved special treatment as the Boy Who Lived. It wasn’t until Year 3 that Snape finally made his feelings, and the reason for them, clear.

It’s hard to deny that Harry was arrogant at times, and he always seemed to be at the center of attention when things went off the rails at Hogwarts. From the troll in the dungeon during year one, to this name mysteriously being entered into the Goblet of Fire during year four, whenever there was trouble, Harry Potter wasn’t just involved, he was at the root of it. What seemed like a penchant for being the center of attention in Snape’s eyes was often well beyond Harry’s control, but Snape’s past experiences with James Potter and the Marauders negatively painted his view of Harry and his friends.

How extraordinarily like your father you are, Potter! He, too, was exceedingly arrogant. A small amount of talent on the Quidditch field made him think he was a cut above the rest of us too . Strutting around the place with his friends and admirers… The resemblance between you is uncanny.— Severus Snape, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Chapter 14

Because of their numerous confrontations over the years, including Snape’s threat to use Veritaserum after his accusation that Harry was stealing potions ingredients from his supply cupboard, it’s easy to imagine why Harry only saw a villain. It would have been unlikely for him to ever consider Snape a mentor, but the fact of the matter is that he actually learned quite a bit from the eventual Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. Even as it became a means of torment, Snape did work one-on-one with Harry to teach him Legilimency. It was also the Half-Blood Prince’s textbook that got Harry through sixth-year potions and a deadly battle with Draco Malfoy in the bathroom.

On the other hand, Snape’s actions over the years continued to support Harry’s theories of his villainy. It was all too easy for him to believe Snape had been putting up a good front and plotting against Dumbledore from the start. When he cast the killing curse on Hogwarts’ headmaster as Harry watched on from the shadows, it confirmed everything Harry ever suspected about Severus Snape.

Snape’s Reasons For Killing Dumbledore Wouldn’t Be Revealed To Harry Right Away

By The Time Harry Found Out Why Snape Killed Dumbledore, It would Be Too Late To Make Amends

At the beginning of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Severus Snape is seen with sisters Bellatrix Lestrange and Narcissa Malfoy. Narcissa is terrified for her son, Draco, who the Dark Lord tasked to carry out an impossible mission. In order to truly prove himself, Draco must kill Albus Dumbledore and pave the way for the Death Eaters to enter Hogwarts. Snape promises to protect Draco and spare him from a task that would almost certainly scar him for life, and they seal the promise with an Unbreakable Vow. The Unbreakable Vow is so powerful that if either party who swears it fails to hold up their end of the bargain, they will die.

Snape spent the entire school year tailing Draco in order to intervene before he could carry out the Dark Lord’s task. When the moment for the final showdown was upon them, he stepped up as he’d vowed to do and spared Draco the emotional scars that would have come with outright murder. This act solidified Harry’s suspicions that Snape was working against Dumbledore the entire time, but there were pieces of the puzzle Harry wasn’t privy to. One major factor that escaped Harry’s knowledge was that Dumbledore was already dying, and he had asked Snape to kill him when the time was right to spare Draco from the burden.

Dumbledore’s Death Was Inevitable, And Snape’s Act Against Him A Kindness

Snape Didn’t Want To Kill Dumbledore, But He Had No Choice

Dumbledore with the poison in the cave in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.

Dumbledore spent a lot of time tracking Horcruxes before his death. He knew that if he could fully understand what they were, and how Voldemort was using them, the Wizarding World and Harry would have a better chance of defeating the Dark Lord. After discovering Marvolo Gaunt’s ring, which contained one of Voldemort’s seven Horcruxues, Dumbledore was initially tempted by the Resurrection Stone encased within. He made a grave mistake by wearing the ring, allowing Voldemort’s curse to injure him. The Dark Lord’s evil magic caused the tissue in Dumbledore’s right hand to die and turn black, and that curse would only continue to spread throughout his body over time.

Thankfully, Snape managed to temporarily inhibit the effects of the curse with a mysterious “golden potion,” giving the Headmaster around one year longer to live than he would have had otherwise. While conferring with Snape about the inevitable outcome of this curse, Dumbledore also asks that Snape kill him when the time is right. Not only would this protect Draco from irreparable harm, but it would ultimately prove Snape’s loyalty to the Dark Lord during a critical time. Unfortunately, appearing loyal to Voldemort also meant playing the role of villainous murderer and traitor to all the people he’d known and worked with during his tenure at Hogwarts. No one but Dumbledore knew the truth, and he took it with him to his grave.

What Spell Did Snape Use To Kill Dumbledore?

The Unforgiveable Curse Snape Used Against Dumbledore Was Quick & Painless

Within the Wizarding World, there are three curses believed to be unforgivable: the Cruciatus Curse, the Imperius Curse, and the Killing Curse. When Snape killed Dumbledore, he cast the Killing Curse, fueled by the words Avada Kedavra. Despite being unforgivable, Avada Kedavra provided the victim with a quick and painless death, meaning that Snape actually ended Dumbledore’s suffering — a form of magical euthanasia.

Unfortunately, throughout Voldemort’s first reign of terror, his Death Eaters were known to use all three unforgivable curses, tormenting and torturing individuals with the Cruciatus Curse before using the Killing Curse to finish them off. A number of Death Eaters fell back on the Imperius Curse after Voldemort was killed the first time, claiming they had carried out the Dark Lord’s deeds against their will, but for the vast majority of them, it wasn’t true.

Why Did Harry Name His Son After Snape?

Harry Named His Son After Two Of The Bravest Men He’d Ever Known

Harry Potter leaning down and talking to his son, Albus Severus Potter, at Platform 9 and 3/4.

When all was said and done, Harry learned the real truth about Snape. Completely loyal to Dumbledore until the end, Snape had once been in love with Harry’s mother, Lily. He blamed himself for Lily’s death because he was the one who originally reported the overheard details of Sybill Trelawney’s Prophecy to Voldemort. For years, Snape played the dangerous role of double agent, always working behind the scenes against the Dark Lord. Unfortunately, Voldemort chose to kill Snape in the end because he wanted dominion over the Elder Wand. In the final moments of his life, Snape asks Harry to capture his tears, which would explain everything at last.

Discovering the truth about Snape was crushing. Despite their differences, and the obvious animosity between them over the years, Snape had always looked after Harry — the only child of the woman he’d loved with all his heart. He realized that Snape was the bravest man he’d ever known, and he wanted to honor his memory by naming his youngest son after two of Hogwarts’ most astounding headmasters: Albus Dumbledore and Severus Snape.