A split image features Bridgerton characters Colin, Eloise, and Anthony.

Lady Whistledown’s dear readers will know that a well-placed word can shatter a reputation or make someone society’s new darling. They also know, however, that Lady Whitledown’s words aren’t the only ones telling the story in Netflix’s Bridgerton.

There are certainly times in Bridgerton when the actions of a character say more about them than their words ever do. That’s especially true when so many characters are busy hiding their feelings from one another during the busy social season. One look, one dance, or one decision can say just as much about a character as a declaration can.

9Simon Defends Daphne To Anthony

Simon from Bridgerton.

In the first season of Bridgerton, Simon and Daphne strike up a deal. The plan is to give Daphne appeal to the rest of society because a duke is interested in her, and for Simon to be left alone by those wishing to marry because he’s already found someone. They maintain that neither of them is interested in romance with the other. They explain that to one another repeatedly. When Daphne ends up pursued by Lord Berbrooke though, Simon shows his true feelings — just not to Daphne.

Simon defends Daphne to Anthony, even though Anthony is Daphne’s older brother and is responsible for helping her find a suitable husband. Simon puts more care into Daphne making her own decisions than Anthony does, especially when he witnesses Daphne’s outright refusal of Berbrooke.

8Anthony Constantly Checks His Watch

Anthony from Bridgerton.

Anthony doesn’t always come across as the most likable of the Bridgerton family. The audience has to get to know him a bit more in the second season before they can truly see how much he cares about the people around him. Anthony, however, lives with the constant fear of not being able to live up to the example of his father, and he feels like time is ticking away for him to care for his family, just like his father.

This fear of time is best exemplified by Anthony’s near-constant use of his father’s watch. Anthony looks at his father’s watch nearly every time he’s reminded of his responsibility or gets angry with one of his family members. The watch provides him with a physical reminder of not just his own responsibilities to his family as the eldest son, but also of his own mortality because his father died so unexpectedly a decade before the events of Bridgerton take place.

7Berbrooke Pursues Daphne After Her Refusal

Nigel Berbrooke is angry in Season 1 of Bridgerton.

The audience is repeatedly assured by Anthony in the first season of Bridgerton that Lord Berbrooke is a perfectly acceptable match for Daphne. He has a title and land and a household for her to manage. He would offer her stability and a comfortable life, and he’s never been mired by scandal.

Despite that, the audience sees that all of Anthony’s research into the man, and his reassurances to Daphne and their mother, mean nothing. Berbrooke doesn’t just continue to pursue Daphne after she’s politely refused him, he violently goes after her alone, outside a party, to force her to be with him. Even after Daphne punches him in the face, he still attempts to get Anthony to force her hand, showing how reprehensible he really is.

6Lady Danbury, The Sharmas & The Bridgertons Engage In A Country Dance

The Sharmas and Bridgertons dance with Lady Danbury in Season 2 of Bridgerton.

When scandal surrounds the Bridgertons after Edwina and Anthony don’t marry, Ladies Danbury and Bridgerton opt to host a ball to demonstrate that there’s nothing scandalous going on. Unfortunately, no one shows up except the two of them and their charges for the social season. That, of course, speaks to how much they’ve already been ostracized.

Anthony, however, calls for his younger siblings to come and dance with them, despite Hyacinth and Gregory not being old enough to participate in the formal balls. This is a demonstration that the family is still united and can still have fun. The Sharmas and Lady Danbury joining with them is a reminder that they’re all in the situation together.

5Colin Repeatedly Seeks Penelope Out

Colin Bridgerton and Penelope Featherington from Season 2 of Bridgerton.

While Penelope’s affection for Colin Bridgerton is very evident in their first interactions, the same can’t be said for Colin. He does hold some affection for her in the first season, but clearly sees her as a friend. That slowly begins to change, even if Colin doesn’t realize it, over the course of the second season.

Colin says he’s sworn off women while he figures out his own place in the Bridgerton family, but he continually seeks Penelope out at social events. He calls her his friend, but she’s certainly more Eloise’s friend than his. He also makes sure to dance with her at multiple balls, which allows others in society to think that he’s courting her, even though he denies it. Colin constantly seeking her out at functions, speaking with her in the corners of the room, or even pulling her away from events to warn her about her cousin, all speak to how much he actually cares about her, despite his denial of interest.

4Anthony & Kate Share Many Longing Looks

Kate and Anthony staring at each other in Season 2 of Bridgerton.

Anthony Bridgerton and Kate Sharma find one another off-putting when they first meet. Kate doesn’t like that Anthony tries to tell her what to do and Anthony doesn’t like that Kate doesn’t fit his idea of what a woman should be in polite society. In spite of how much they say they don’t like one another, however, they cannot stop looking at one another’s way.

Even when Anthony is supposed to be worried about his interactions with Edwina instead, he constantly looks Kate’s way to gauge her reaction to his topics of conversation or how he’s treating Edwina. It’s more than simply seeking her approval as well since he also can’t stop watching her when she’s talking to other men, or when she’s across the room talking to one of his family members, or when she’s with Lady Danbury. The same can be said of Kate, who keeps a close eye on Anthony even when he’s not with her sister.

3Eloise Continues To Visit Theo

Eloise and Theo in the print shop in Season 2 of Bridgerton.

In the second season, Eloise Bridgerton starts to do more than simply talk about her feminist ideals. She starts attending speeches and seeking out those who are like-minded. Along the way, she meets Theo, who works for the printer printing Lady Whistledown’s gossip sheet.

Despite being warned repeatedly by Penelope and telling Penelope that everything will be fine, Eloise continues to visit Theo even after her unchaperoned visits have been exposed by Lady Whistledown. The potential scandal puts Eloise and her sisters in jeopardy, but she still doesn’t care as she wants nothing more than to spend time with Theo. While she can’t admit that she’s interested in him beyond the books he gives her to read, the fact that she risks her entire family’s reputation speaks volumes.

2Anthony Picks Up Kate’s Bangle

Edwina watches Anthony on their wedding day in Season 2 of Bridgerton.

Though Anthony and Kate always seem to be in one another’s orbit during the social season, there is one look exchanged between them that speaks more than any other. When Kate nervously fiddles with her mother’s bangles on her wrists during the wedding ceremony for Edwina and Anthony, she drops one right on the end of Edwina’s gown.

Anthony immediately moves to retrieve it for Kate just as she does and their eyes lock. That’s enough for Edwina to see what she’s been missing the entire season — and the audience as well.

1Lady Whistledown Exposes Marina To Society

Colin Bridgerton and Marina Thompson from Bridgerton.

While the characters don’t know that Lady Whistledown and Penelope Featherington are one and the same at the time, the audience learns the truth fairly quickly when Lady Whistledown exposes Marina’s secrets.

In order to prevent Colin Bridgerton from being trapped into a marriage, Penelope spills the one secret she’s been faithfully keeping. She and Marina are friends, but Penelope cares more for Colin, and she cannot agree with him being lied to and misled when he attempts to be the perfect gentleman for Marina. Penelope’s jealousy gets the better of her just as much as her love for him does when she chooses to expose Marina.