Alicent Hightower and Rhaenyra Targaryen facing each other in House of the Dragon

House of the Dragon‘s Dance of the Dragons would be a conflict that would destroy a good portion of Westeros, and leave House Targaryen nearly extinct. In what started out as a generational conflict with multiple characters driving the plot forward, the aftermath saw only a few of the instigators survive the experience. What’s more, most of them would die off shortly after the civil war ended. Even the people who were not responsible for the war, and simply drawn in either by blood ties or duty would rarely be so lucky.

In truth, it is hard to find even ten major participants in the Dance that survived. Most of them were deeply affected by what happened and some still met horrible ends due to events outside their control. Yet, from these survivors came the peace that would slowly begin to rebuild Westeros after one of its bloodiest wars. Below are the ten survivors of the Dance of the Dragons.

10Princess Jaehaera Targaryen Met a Tragic End After the Dance

Alicent moving to protect Aegon

Princess Jaehaera survived and was married to Prince Aegon Targaryen.
She would later die after falling from a window.
There are some who believe she was killed on the orders of Aegon III’s Hand of the King.

Princess Jaehaera might have had the worst luck of the Dance’s survivors. She was Aegon II’s last living heir and as such had to be married to Rhaenyra’s son, Aegon, to end the conflict. Since they were both so young though, with Jaehaera only being eight at the time, the marriage was never consummated. Her family was essentially ruined by this point, and the only person who might have been equipped to raise her, her grandmother, Alicent, was too lost in her own grief to be an effective guardian. She even suggested that Jaehaera slit Aegon’s throat at one point.

Jaehaera would go on to become Queen when her father, King Aegon II was murdered, allowing Aegon III to ascend to the Iron Throne. Unfortunately, this would not be a good thing for Jaehaera. Two years after being married to Aegon Jaehaera allegedly threw herself from a window of Maegor’s Holdfast, impaling herself upon the spikes in the moat below. She suffered for half an hour before finally passing away. There are many who suspect that Jaehaera did not commit suicide, but was killed on the order of the current Hand, Unwin Peake so he could marry his own daughter to Aegon III, continuing the powerplays that started the Dance of the Dragons in the first place. As some justice for Jaehaera, he was denied this opportunity by Baela and Rhaena Targaryen.

9Prince Viserys Targaryen Was Reunited With His Family

King Viserys II

Prince Viserys was rescued from Lys where he had been married to his host’s daughter.
Viserys became the Hand of the King to his brother once he was old enough.
Viserys would later become king after Aegon and his sons all died.

Despite disappearing early in the war at the hands of the Triarchy, Prince Viserys Targaryen was actually alive and well in the east. Having been sent to Lys, he was eventually placed in the care of a powerful banker who had Viserys married to his youngest daughter, Larra. Alyn Velaryon would later learn Viserys’ location and bring him back to Westeros to be reunited with his brother. This act brought much relief to the realm, as it provided an established heir to the Iron Throne and brought the current king some measure of peace.

Viserys would become Aegon’s right hand, and later his actual Hand. Though his older brother brought some stability to the realm, it was really Viserys who managed things once both brothers were old enough to govern. Eventually, Aegon’s sons would pass away and the crown would pass to Viserys and his descendants, eventually leading to the modern Targaryens such as Daenerys and Jon Snow.

8King Aegon III Targaryen Was Traumatized By His Ordeal

A portrait of Aegon III Targaryen in front of a dragon motif© Amok

Rhaenyra’s son, Aegon, would survive and become king after the murder of King Aegon II.
He was deeply traumatized by what he had seen and grew to hate dragons.
His rule brought needed stability to the Seven Kingdoms.

Having witnessed his mother’s death at the hands of a dragon, and lost the rest of his family save his sisters, Aegon Targaryen was understandably traumatized by his ordeals. To bring unity to the realm, he was married to Aegon II’s daughter, and only surviving child, Jaehaera. This bought him safety, but when Aegon II was found dead of poison, Aegon became the new king. He did not take to the position well, being too morose to interact with his councilors or courtiers. Fortunately, his sisters would help him manage the kingdom, maintaining the Targaryens’ presence at court.

The new Aegon III was also terrified of dragons now, despising them for what one had done to his mother. Yet, while his rule is not remembered favorably by most, there is no denying that he was steadfast in his duties, doing what was required to bring peace back to Westeros. Aegon III had the unenviable task of reunifying a kingdom divided and doing so while grappling with his own trauma. There was some joy in his life left, but not many, and there are few characters who represent the consequences of the Dance more than this boy king.

7Cregan Stark Brought Northern Justice to King’s Landing

Jacaerys Velaryon (Harry Collett) with Cregan Stark on top of the wall in House of the Dragon

Cregan Stark took over King’s Landing as the Hand of King Aegon III.

He brought Northern justice to many people responsible for the Dance of the Dragons.
He later married Alysanne Blackwood and turned power over to a regency council.

Though Cregan Stark did not particpate in the main events of the Dance, he certainly made sure he finished it. Once the North was secure, Cregan traveled south to honor his oath and secured King’s Landing under his rule. He became the Hand of the King to the newly crowned Aegon III in what is referred to as the Hour of the Wolf. During this time, Cregan levied justice against those he blamed for Aegon II’s death as well as many others. Some considered him heavy handed, allowing Northern honor to influence his political decisions, but by the time he was done most of the people who would likely have worked against or manipulated Aegon III were gone.

Cregan also did something few other Westerosi lords can claim: he relinquished power when the time was right. He never intended to stay forever, just long enough to bring something resembling stability to King’s Landing, and by extension the entire country. Once he was sure the regency council would rule fairly he departed back to the North, but not before he married Alysanne Blackwood, who charmed him with her spirit.

6Alyn Velaryon Became the New Lord of the Tides

Rhaenys Targaryen touching Alyn of Hull's face on House of the Dragon

Alyn Velaryon became the Lord of Driftmark after Corlys Velaryon passed away.
He earned the nickname “Oakenfist” for his legendary exploits.
Alyn also found and brought Prince Viserys Targaryen back to Westeros.

Alyn Velaryon survived the war and ended up becoming Corlys Velaryon’s heir. Having been legitimized by Rhaenyra during the war, his status as a Velaryon was maintained by the new leaders of the country, especially so when Corlys himself was put on the regency council. Though he had never been a dragonrider himself, Alyn proved that he was truly of sea and salt, becoming an expert sailor in his own right and living up to his “grandfather’s” legacy.

However, the newfound peace in Westeros did not last long for Alyn. Corlys would die a year after becoming a regent, leaving the Driftwood Throne to Alyn. He would alter go on to marry Baela Targaryen to save her from being married against her will to someone not of her choosing. Alyn also gained fame as a sailor and warrior, serving the Seven Kingdoms with distinction and earning his own nickname, the Oakenfist. His most notable achievement by far though was discovering the location of the missing Prince Viserys Targaryen and reuniting him with his older brother, King Aegon III. This act would inadvertently ensure Targaryen rule for nearly the next two centuries.

5Alys Rivers Took Over Harrenhal as Its Witch Queen

House of the Dragon's Alys Rivers stares into the dark

Alys Rivers would claim to be pregnant with Aemond Targaryen’s son.
She took control of Harrenhal, ruling it as a witch queen.
Her story was never concluded in Fire & Blood.

Alys Rivers was always a character whose motivations were never clear. The show depicts her helping Daemon come to peace with his inner demons, but the history book also tells fans that she started an affair with Aemond Targaryen, guiding him with the use of her visions. How true this is uncertain, but it is recorded that the two had a close relationship. Alys was there to witness Aemond and Daemon’s deaths in the Battle Above the God’s Eye.

She would retreat to Harrenhal, where she claimed to be pregnant with Aemond’s child, whom she claimed was the true heir to the Iron Throne. It is unknown if she was telling the truth. Alys’ story ends right around there. She had taken over Harrenhal and ruled it as a “witch queen” with a small army of bandits and cutthroats to serve her. The regents of King Aegon III were resolved to eliminate her and retake the ancient castle, but when a plague hit the city, any plans to do so were put on hold. To this day, it is unknown what became of Alys.

4Rhaena Targaryen Became the Last Dragonrider

Actor Phoebe Campbell in a red dress as Rhaena Targaryen on House of the Dragon

Rhaena would hatch and bond with the first dragon to be born since the Dance, Morning.
She would also marry Corwyn Corbray.
Rhaena would go on to become one of the last recorded dragonriders in history.

Rhaena might actually have benefited the most in the aftermath of the Dance. Though she lost most of her family too, Rhaena still had her sister and younger brother, Aegon III. Most importantly, she had something that gave hope to the people of Westeros: the first newly hatched dragon since the Dance began. Naming the dragon Morning, the creature would accompany Rhaena wherever she went, becoming a wonder to the people of King’s Landing, whom she along with her sister would charm.

Rhaena would later marry Corwyn Corbray of the Vale, having grown close to him during her time there. She would also become involved in trying to shield her younger brother from the machinations of his regents, particularly the Hand, Unwin Peake. A few years later, Rhaena would ride Morning for the first time, effectively becoming the only dragonrider in the world save for the missing Nettles. Though since she and Nettles are having their stories merged in the show, it is likely Rhaena will retain this honor.

3Baela Targaryen Would Become the Lady of Driftmark

Baela Targaryen (actor Bethany Antonia) in a black outfit on House of the Dragon

Baela would lose her dragon Moondancer, but become a popular member of Aegon III’s court.
She would later marry Alyn Velaryon, becoming the Lady of Driftmark.

Baela Targaryen was always considered the fiercest of Daemon Targaryen’s daughters, and she proved as such by taking down Aegon II’s dragon, Sunfyre with her dragon, Moondancer. Unfortunately, this cost her Moondancer and led to her capture at the hands of the Greens. Once Aegon II was dead though, Baela and her sister Rhaena managed to convince their half-brother and new king, Aegon III to free their grandfather, Corlys Velaryon, from custody for his supposed role in Aegon II’s death. Once the chaos of the transition of power settled down, Baela would go on to become a court darling.

She, along with her sister and brother, were essentially the last Targaryens and as such Baela made her presence known at court, since Aegon was too traumatized to deal with the nobility. Baela would make a name for herself as something of a rebel, spending time with company that was considered ill-suited for someone of her position. She would later defy the regency council and marry Alyn Velaryon, becoming the Lady of Driftmark.

2Corlys Velaryon Died of Natural Causes

Corlys Velaryon (Steve Toussaint) on Driftmark on House of the Dragon

Corlys Velaryon becomes a member of the regent council for King Aegon III.
He dies of old age a year after becoming a regent.

Corlys Velaryon is perhaps one of the few legends of Westeros to survive the Dance of the Dragons. He was arguably Rhaenyra’s most prominent supporter by the time of the war’s end. Even though his queen was dead, Corlys may have been involved in the poisoning of Aegon II, but this was never proven as he was spared a trial and execution by edict of the new king, Rhaenyra’s son, Aegon III. Corlys would later go on to become one of the regents who would lead the kingdom while the young Aegon waited for his age of majority so he could rule independently.

During this time, Corlys served ably, having had experience on the Small Council beforehand, he was considered the most powerful of the regents. Unfortunately, Corlys was also an old man by this point, and one who had been through quite a storied life no less. He passed away of natural causes one year after joining the regency council. He remains one of the few characters in the entire franchise to live out his life to its natural conclusion, an accomplishment all on its own.


1Alicent Hightower Lived to Regret Her Choices

Alicent demands justice for her son

Alicent lives to regret her role in starting the Dance of the Dragons.
She isolates herself from everyone to reflect on her life.
Alicent would later die due to a plague in King’s Landing.

Despite being one of the biggest contributors to the start of the war, Alicent does manage to survive the Dance of the Dragons. Though in truth, she probably wished she had not. The war had taken much from her. Her father, brother, all her children, and all but one of her grandchildren were slain in the civil war, leaving Alicent to wonder whether all the grabs for power were worth it in the end. Granted, the show’s version of Alicent is far more nuanced than that of the scheming stepmother depicted in Fire & Blood.

What became of Alicent reduced her into a victim of circumstance. Her part in the scheme to seize the throne from Rhaenyra meant she was barred from any political influence. Fortunately, she was not in danger of being executed or arrested. The trauma of what she endured would stay with her for the rest of her days. Alicent would isolate herself in her chambers, lamenting the decisions that led to the destruction of her family and wishing more than anything to see her missing children. She would die a year later due to complications from a plague spreading through King’s Landing.